Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 190: Holding both hands in front of Shen Jingyu

He Ning didn't wait long. At the nineteenth minute, Shen Jingyu appeared.

His tall military car was half a body taller than hers. He jumped out of the car, reached out and opened her door, took her hand, and wrapped her in his arms.

Because he wanted to see clients, he had changed into a suit with a shirt and waistcoat of the same color. The gentleman's three-piece suit made him look more mature and handsome.

He has a good combination of youthfulness and masculine temperament. When he wears casual clothes, he is like a teenager who has returned from half his life; wearing a suit and military uniform is a pillar that can be entrusted to the world.

When He Ning puts the palm of his hand on his palm, his heartbeat can't stop speeding up. He is so good-looking that even when his eyes are down and there is no expression, it can attract her to sink.

Taking her on the military falcon, he said, "Tell the driver the address."

He Ning said the address again.

The military vehicle was very tall and spacious. He Ning sat in the corner, far away from Shen Jingyu's position.

She looked out the window from time to time, and sometimes sneaked a glance at him.

Today's Shen Jingyu is particularly indifferent and indifferent, frowning slightly, as if tolerating something.

He Ning saw him like this several times, and she couldn't help but leaned over: "What's the matter with you?"

She leaned forward, Shen Jingyu took her into her arms and whispered, "It's okay."

The chin rests on her head, the arms are around her.

But He Ning felt that this was not all right.

When he is really okay, he is full of vigor. Even if he is indifferent, he will be so strong that people dare not approach him. It is not the soft nasal sound in his current voice.

"What's wrong with you?" He Ning asked anxiously.

Qiao Hai, who was driving, glanced at the rearview mirror and couldn't help but said: "Today there was an emergency in the army. The general was busy all day, and he has not taken care of eating. He has a serious stomach problem, and he was in a hurry just now. I’m not allowed to buy..."

"Qiao Hai!" Shen Jingyu stopped him.

Qiao Hai quickly shut up. He really didn't dare to insert Shen Jingyu's words and mention his personal affairs, but today, Shen Jingyu looks like this, but he really feels distressed.

"Qiao Hai parks, I'll go buy some food." How can I not eat? No matter how hurry, you can’t skip meals.

She thought of him just saying that he would come to her in twenty minutes. If she didn't call him that phone, he might have time to eat something to cushion his belly.

Shen Jingyu stopped her: "No, I don't eat anything outside. Qiao Hai, continue driving."

He Ning remembered that his allergies were very serious. You can't touch alcohol or beans, even soy sauce. It's really not easy to avoid these allergens when you buy food outside.

She had no choice but to say: "Well, let's go to Uncle Feng's house and find some pads to eat."

Remembering that he is not only prone to allergies, but also lack of taste, plus he has been in the army all the year round. In these years, there may be no time to taste the delicious food. He Ning really feels distressed.

He frowned slightly, it must be painful to show such an unbearable expression.

In the eyes of outsiders, he is so strong, leading the entire team, invincible.

However, he is not a god, but an ordinary person. He will be hurt and painful. Who will see him when he is really fragile?

He Ning blinked and forced the tears back. Thinking of something, he took out a few lollipops from his bag and held them in front of Shen Jingyu with both hands.

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