Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 191: This master really ate a lollipop?

Her voice is much gentler than usual, with a soft touch: "You eat root sugar first. Sugar can make blood circulate quickly, make body cells become active, and make you more comfortable."

"I never eat sweets." Shen Jingyu refused. He hadn't liked those colorful candies since he was a child.

What's more, he didn't know how to eat before. It didn't make any difference between sweet, sweet, bitter, spicy and salty. He eats almost the same thing, as long as he can fill his stomach. Of course, he chooses the easiest food to fill his stomach.

"You eat a little bit, just a little bit." He Ning's voice was squeamish, softly coaxing.

"No." Shen Jingyu refused simply and neatly.

Qiao Hai glanced at the rearview mirror, and the corners of his lips twitched. He had long been used to such a scene, because he himself couldn't persuade Shen Jingyu to do what he didn't want to do.

If anyone can persuade this master, then he will have to look at him with admiration.

He Ning pursed her lips, put her hands behind her back, and said, "Then, shall we take a gamble?"

"What are you betting on?" Shen Jingyu has never been interested in these pediatrics, but He Ning is good and soft at the moment, Guazi's face is full of smiles, and his voice is sobbing like milk, which makes him unable to remove his eyes. The voice also softened a bit.

"Guess which one of my hands is empty and there is no sugar. You guessed it right, I won't force you to eat it. If you don't guess it right, you must eat one! Dare to come?"

Shen Jingyu aroused a sense of interest in her eyes, not for fun, she just wanted to cooperate with her.

She usually finds it difficult to show real happiness in front of him, and he doesn't want to disappoint at this moment.

"Right hand." Shen Jingyu casually guessed once.

"DaDa, you guessed wrong! Look, there is candy in the right hand, it's not empty!" He Ning smiled in his eyebrows, revealing a little sly, took apart a lollipop and stuffed it directly into his mouth. .

Shen Jingyu didn’t refuse to refuse, she opened her mouth to eat, because when she left in the morning, she kissed her, so at this moment, as soon as the sugar was in, the sweet taste spread quickly in the mouth, permeating the tip of the tongue, to please every one. Taste buds.

His frowning brows quickly loosened and became smooth, and a touch of ease and joy appeared on his indifferent face.

Qiao Hai secretly looked in the rearview mirror and was stunned. Did this master really eat a lollipop? This lord... is it really the lord he usually serves?

Shen Jingyu subconsciously tilted his head to look at He Ning, and he suddenly said, "Little liar!"

How could he be deceived by her, obviously she has candy in both hands, he can't guess which one is right, this little woman dare to cheat him to eat candy!

When He Ning's ear moved, he shrank back subconsciously, and he could see through it!

Shen Jingyu stretched out his palm and jammed her neck. He Ning frowned in fright. He pulled her head closer, and the noses were less than one centimeter apart.

His magnified handsome face was in front of her, she couldn't distinguish his emotions, and her mouth was pressed tightly.

Shen Jingyu pressed her lips, opened her tight red lips, and crushed the lollipop, halfway into her mouth.

The sweetness in her mouth rose quickly, until it spread to the bottom of her heart... She trembled all over, and a layer of mist filled her eyes.

Then, Shen Jingyu let go of her.

He Ning touched his lips, and his temperature still remained.

"The taste is not bad." He said lightly, not knowing whether it was sugar or something else.

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