Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 192: Home has a fierce wife, Hedong Lion Roar

He Ning breathed a sigh of relief inexplicably.

Finally at the destination, Qiao Hai hurried to open the door for them, and Hening said apologetically: "Qiao Hai, I won't invite you in. You should go eat yourself first."

This young lady is really gentle.

Qiao Hai gave a military salute to his legs together: "Yes! But, I'm not hungry, I just ate..."

Stuffed with dog food.

"I didn't see what you were eating?" He Ning said puzzledly.

Shen Jingyu stretched out his arm and handed it to her, motioning for her to hold herself.

He Ning put his arm around him, calmly.

After entering the Feng's villa, there were already people coming and going, and guests gathered.

He Ning didn't want to attract too much attention, and went in through the side door with Shen Jingyu.

As soon as she entered, she took Shen Jingyu straight to the buffet area.

She chose a few safe foods herself, and tasted them herself, and then she brought him to Shen Jingyu and sat down with him: "You have to eat all these foods. And, you have to eat slowly. Otherwise. , The stomach hurts even more."

Steaks, some fruits, and a cup of hot milk were placed on the plate.

Shen Jingyu ate that lollipop just now, and it really stopped the stomachache miraculously. He didn't want to eat at the moment.

But obviously, He Ning is not forgiving.

She is usually very obedient in front of Shen Jingyu. She is afraid that she will provoke him, and she doesn't want to have any disputes with him.

But on this matter, she was very persistent, even some mighty, standing in front of him, she had the momentum that she would not give up if he didn't eat.

Shen Jingyu touched the tip of his nose uncomfortably... This is a family with a fierce wife, Hedong Lion Roar?

He seems to...can accept this situation, and the feeling of being supervised does not seem to be that unacceptable.

Well, he picked up the knife and fork.

"Drink the milk first, while it's hot." He Ning said again, "Every bite, you have to chew forty, no, you can swallow it more than 60 times!"

This is what she saw on the Internet before. To nourish the stomach, you must drink hot food, and the food must be chewed enough before it can be swallowed.

"Yeah." Shen Jingyu accepted it all.

"I'll go and see if there is anything to eat." He Ning wanted to see if there was any food to nourish his stomach.

The buffet area is huge, and she wanders in it.

Xie Yichen and Xie Yihao walked in together.

"I don't know if He Ning will come?" Xie Yichen asked. Her current status is actually a garish. After all, she hasn't married into the Shen family. There are not many places that can substantially help Xie Yihao.

But He Ning is different. The contacts she has accumulated over the past few years are still useful to Xie Yihao.

Xie Yihao took out the earrings, squeezed them in his hands, and handed them to Xie Yichen: "She will come. You see, this earring is very valuable, and she is not willing to take it away."

Xie Yichen took it over and checked it out: "It's not just valuable, it's very valuable! I didn't expect He Ning to win the lawsuit and return to the top of the He family!"

Xie Yihao glanced at the buffet area, and He Ning, who was choosing a meal, said to Xie Yichen, "Look, she's here!"

The two walked towards He Ning together, who was still choosing food seriously.

"He Ning!" Xie Yihao shouted.

He Ning turned around, her eyebrows were slightly curved, and the corners of her eyes and brows were smiling, like a brilliant flower that was completely moisturized and bloomed, waiting to be released, drenched by dew, and shining by the sun. The flowers and leaves were half curled and half comfortable, shy .

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