Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 202: Won't continue to cooperate with you

These doubts prevented Xie Yichen from coming to stage for a while.

"Aunt Feng..." She had to look at Mrs. Feng for help, hoping she could speak for herself.

Mrs. Feng has already turned to He Ning now. Not only is He Ning’s words justified and well-founded, but what kind of identity Shen Jingyu is in front of him, can someone like Xie Yichen question?

Mrs. Feng opened her mouth, her tone of voice unknowingly took on He Ning's bias: "He Ning is right. You just slandered others and insulted He Ning without evidence. It's really too bad!"

"Aunt Feng, He Ning is really..." Xie Yichen still wanted to quibble.

"Enough!" Feng Xueli said with a serious tone, "When will you still bully He Ning?"

Feng Xueli could see clearly the ugly faces of Xie Yichen and Xie Yihao this time, composing a set of nonsense, and splashing all the dirty water on He Ning.

They not only humiliated He Ning to death, but also slandered the third master beside her.

Such a Xie family, how can Feng Xueli maintain a relationship with them? What kind of cooperation is there?

"Uncle Feng, we didn't bully He Ning..." Xie Yichen still wanted to save the situation.

"Is there any bullying? So many people are watching! What you said when you slandered He Ning, everyone was listening!" Feng Xueli turned to He Ning, "He Ning, since these things are messy, They are all **** mouths, and we naturally don't believe them."

He Ning nodded slightly: "Thank you Uncle Feng, Aunt Feng."

Feng Xueli continued to say loudly: "Xie Yichen, Xie Yihao, your slander of He Ning has reached heinous level! I used to look after He Ning's face and took good care of you and gave you a lot of support! But in the future, the Feng family will not. I will continue to do business with you again! In doing business, the first thing you pay attention to is the character, and then the business acumen. How can people who don't even have a good character become our business partners!"

Xie Yichen's face suddenly collapsed, and his mind was dumbfounded.

how can? How could Feng Xueli sever the cooperation with the Xie family directly?

Xie Yihao was also panicked. Tonight, he was full of confidence. With his sister and the Shen family as a bargaining chip, he shouldn't have been in business like a fish in water and won many contracts?

How could it collapse all at once!

"Uncle Feng, Aunt Feng, we also care about He Ning, but we are confused, so we mistakenly believe in slander." Xie Yihao tried to make up, and what he said was already soft to He Ning. "But we are all dedicated to the good of He Ning. As for business. We still have the Shen family behind us on the matter, and there is no problem with our strength, Uncle Feng, Aunt Feng, please consider again..."

"Don't think about it!" Feng Xueli was afraid that the longer the delay, the more he would offend Shen Jingyu, and said sharply, "In the future, the business relationship between the Feng family and the Xie family will be terminated!"

Xie Yichen and Xie Yihao turned pale with surprise: "Uncle Feng..."

Feng Xueli faced He Ning a long time ago, and didn't look at Xie Yichen and Xie Yihao again.

The other people present are all experienced shopping malls. Their investment direction is generally to follow the four richest men in the western city of Portugal. After all, following them, even if they can't eat meat, they can still have a bite of soup.

Originally, they were also very optimistic about the Xie family. If Xie Yichen married into the Shen family, the more cooperation with the Xie family would definitely be the better.

However, Feng Xueli's righteous rejection of the Xie family made them feel a little panic.

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