Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 203: It's normal to stick to her at any time

The Xie family is now in the limelight, and Feng Xueli has stopped cooperating with them. Is there any internal news from Feng Xueli that he knows that the Xie family is not working?

Anyway, no matter what the reason is, they are all murmured in their hearts, I am afraid that they will have to relax a little bit if they want to continue cooperating with the Xie family in the future.

The look in the eyes of Xie's sister and brother was also more questionable and less trusting.

This wave of Xie Yichen and Xie Yihao's dedication not only did not corrupt He Ning's image, but on the contrary caused the Xie family to suffer a big loss in the business field.

Their siblings didn't figure out why they were slapped in the face by He Ning in public.

There was no face and continued to stay, so the two brothers and sisters had no choice but to leave in a desperate manner.

Naturally, they would not know that the offending person was Shen Jingyu, and thought that Feng Xueli was only looking after Ms. Ning and still caring for He Ning, so that he would hate their siblings.

Feng Xueli and Mrs. Feng walked to He Ning together, with a respectful tone: "He Ning, I knew that Xie's sister and brother are such people. We really shouldn't invite them over today."

"It's okay. Give me a chance to clarify in front of everyone." He Ning glanced at Shen Jingyu, but he didn't speak much the whole time.

However, this is also because He Ning controls the rhythm of the audience, and he does not need to be strong to protect his wife.

He Ning understood that Shen Jingyu would definitely come forward as long as the wind fell down a little.

Feng Xueli smiled ashamedly: "You have had so many things. I was abroad with your Aunt Feng recently, and I didn't care much about it. It's really shameful."

He Ning smiled lightly, her affairs, she has never liked to make public, let the world know.

It doesn't really matter whether others know it or not.

Feng Xueli and Mrs. Feng have been observing Shen Jingyu's winks.

However, Shen Jingyu's gaze has always been placed on He Ning's face, as if He Ning is a piece of iron, and he is a piece of iron, it is normal to stick to her at any time.

He Ning could feel his gaze, but she was embarrassed to look at him and stroked her hair uncomfortably.

Feng Xueli and Mrs. Feng can see that this third master is now completely devoted to his little wife, with no distractions and ignorance of external affairs. They have the intention to say a few words and get involved in the relationship. It will only increase his disgust.

Feng Xueli gave up making a good relationship with Shen Jingyu, and asked wittily: "He Ning, now do you stay and rest for a while, or do you want to go back first?"

"Go home." Shen Jingyu said, making a decision for the two of them.

Now that He Ning has clarified the relationship between the two people and slapped Xie's family in the face, and the goal has been achieved, he will naturally not let He Ning stay longer.

"Okay, then we won't keep two." Feng Xueli replied, bowing.

"By the way, the'gift box' just now was actually Xie Yichen and Xie Yihao who were preparing to frame He Ning. It was just that He Manni suddenly appeared and snatched it." Shen Jingyu said.

Although he was just sitting there eating, but he knew everything that happened at the scene.

He Ning pursed his lips slightly and looked up at him. In his narrow black eyes, he was composed and calm.

It turned out that when she was bothering to deal with the brocade gift box, he actually cared about her all the time.

If there is no episode of Hermanni, he must have a way to help her solve the problem.

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