Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 236: Only one person by my side can be an exception

Soon, He Ning got a negative answer.

In the evening, the nurse's aunt called: "Miss He is not good, Mr. Chu fainted."

"I'll be here soon." He Ning hurried over immediately.

As soon as I entered, the auntie the nurse was so frightened: "I didn't do anything. I don't know why he just..."

Chu Zhuohang fainted on the sofa, pale and cold sweat on his arrogant face.

In front of him, there are all kinds of interview materials, which are gathered here today to be reviewed.

Is it tired?

"Auntie, what were you doing when he fainted?" He Ning did not dare to touch him for a while.

"Mr. Chu fell asleep when he was busy at work. He originally told me to cook noodles for him, but I remembered the doctor's advice that he should change the dressing and rub the medicine in time, so I'll rub the medicine as soon as possible."

"When I put the medicine on him, his face became very pale and he kept sweating. I thought it hurt..."

"I quickly wrung out a hot towel to wipe his face and body. Who knows that the more I wiped him, the more sweat he got, and then I saw that his face was wrong... I called you quickly."

"Miss He, I have many years of experience, and I definitely didn't mess around..." The aunt's throat trembled in anxiety.

He Ning understood what was going on and said, "It's okay, Auntie, you should cook the noodles first, and I will take care of him."

He looks like this, and there is a month of dressing change and application procedures. Does it mean that he will be dizzy every time?

When Chu Zhuohang opened his eyes, He Ning had just put on his gloves, and he looked at her strangely: "What are you going to do?"

"Will it be better to change your dressing with gloves?"

"No, gloves don’t work. I’ve tried it a long time ago. When I was a child, the doctor thought it was possible, but it was just in vain..." Chu Zhuohang stared at He Ning’s eyes and suddenly smiled, "Since I was young, there was only one person here. There can be exceptions around me..."

"Who?" He Ning asked casually.

"You." A trace of evil flashed in Chu Zhuohang's eyes, and he glanced at her with a firm look.

He Ning was really surprised: "Me?"

"How is it possible? I only saw you for the first time today."

"What's more, I didn't do anything besides helping you."

"That's because you forgot. When you handed me the love letter, I held the palm of my hand."

As soon as Chu Zhuohang said, He Ning remembered, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes: "Are you Senior Chu?"

She thought that the deja vu was because she had seen his resume photos before, and the result was that he was the senior that He Mannie liked at the time.

She really forgot such a distant thing.

However, under his reminder, she still remembered that he had indeed held her hand when handing out the love letter.

It was in that incident that she realized that what others said was true, and that he might like her.

She just started playing ugly to reject him...

When the memory hit, He Ning was a little embarrassed: "I'm sorry, Senior Chu..."

After all these years, the people Hermani likes have changed one after another. He should have forgotten the original affection, right?

"Nothing to be embarrassed."

"Now, only you can stay and take care of me."

A smile appeared in Chu Zhuohang's eyes.

"Don't forget, this is a truth that elementary school students understand. If you make a mistake, you must take responsibility."

He Ning pursed her lips slightly and picked up the medicine box: "I know, you don't need to provoke me with words."

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