Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 237: At most, change his dressing

In public and private, He Ning is responsible for taking care of Chu Zhuohang.

"But, I won't wipe your face and body. At most, I'll change your dressing." He Ning knows that he is married and cannot be too close to other men.

If it weren't for his peculiar illness, she wouldn't be able to go there in person at night.

The auntie nurse has come back and brought a bowl of noodles: "Mr. Chu, the noodles you want to eat are ready."

Chu Zhuohang glanced at He Ning, Xie Si's eyebrows lightly raised.

The meaning couldn't be clearer, let her help him feed the noodles.

He Ning sat motionless, and her meaning was obvious, at most, to help him change his dressing.

No matter how much, it won't be possible.

"Then you just watched me starve to death?" Chu Zhuohang raised an eyebrow and squinted at her.

The aunt of the nurse is going to come up to help, he whispered: "From now on, please stay one meter away from me."

The aunt immediately stepped back and went straight to the kitchen.

The reason why he didn't explain this rule at first was because he knew that he would never faint once, and He Ning would never stay to take care of himself.

So he risked being fainted once by the nurse's aunt and came to tell He Ning that no one else could take care of him except her.

He injured his right hand. Except for the scratches where he had just changed the dressing, it was exposed, and most of the rest were tightly tied.

Eat noodles with your left hand? Impossible.

He and He Ning are still deadlocked.

Until Chu Zhuohang's cell phone rang.

He pressed the speakerphone, and Gong Yunxi's voice came from the other side: "Director Chu, the follow-up news materials have been passed to you, please review the arrangement as soon as possible."

He glanced at He Ning, leaned weakly on the sofa, and said with a childlike voice: "I haven't even eaten dinner..."

Gong Yunxi was stunned for a moment: "Do you need me to help you order takeaway?"

He Ning held up his face helplessly, and Chu Zhuohang smiled and said, "No, I will order it myself."

He hung up the phone and ate his noodles obediently.

But fortunately, he didn't ask too much. He Ning fed whatever he wanted.

After a while, he ate a bowl of noodles cleanly.

"Don't wipe your mouth for me?" He was a little wise.

This man, after so many years, has not changed. He still has the shining appearance of being overwhelmed by the stars, as well as the arrogance and frivolousness of that time.

He Ning stood up, and he immediately said: "My doctor told me that if I fainted more than three times in a day, I should go to the funeral home to see me, not the hospital."

"Auntie, help Mr. Chu to twist a hot towel. Don't touch him, his right hand is broken, but his left hand is not."

The nurse's aunt handed over the hot towel, and He Ning grabbed it and threw it on Chu Zhuohang's face.

She turned and went out.

She couldn't help laughing when she heard Chu Zhuohang's frantic shout from behind.


Because of Chu Zhuohang's check and effective interviews by Ye Shu and others, the public emergencies that occurred in Beicheng that day were broadcast accurately and quickly, and the news interviews on the evening of Hejia's TV station achieved high ratings.

The data of the TV station, contrary to the previous decline, began to soar.

The smooth reconstruction of the entire press department has also revitalized He's other programs and businesses.

While He Ning was eating breakfast, Uncle Jiu stood beside her and whispered: "Young lady, I heard that there were injuries in the car accident yesterday. Do I still need to respond?"

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