Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 256: Make your own way!

The thin middle-aged man and the tall man with yellow hair also hurried forward to retrieve the resignation letter.

However, as soon as they reached out, Chu Zhuohang took the first step and suppressed the resignation letter of both of them.

"Director Chu, everyone is impulsive, and so are we."

"They can get it back, you two, no." Chu Zhuohang squinted at them.

The two smirked: "Director Chu is joking, isn't it time to treat us equally?"

The others also stopped and looked here.

"Why treat you equally?" Chu Zhuohang smiled and raised their resignation letter, "I will approve it for both of you. There is no need to hand it over. Pack your things and leave."

When he spoke, everyone did not understand.

Especially they themselves were embarrassed: "Director Chu, we know that we were wrong. Shouldn't this be changed right away?"

Others couldn't help but help: "Director Chu, everyone has a chance to correct their mistakes. Give them both a chance to correct their mistakes."

Chu Zhuohang said: "The TV station was doing well and everything was done in an orderly manner. But there were man-made rumors, saying that He Ning and the TV station had encountered a big problem and incited everyone to leave. Of course, the people who spread the rumors cannot stay.

"We didn't spread rumors..." The thin middle-aged man immediately defended.

But when he opened his mouth, it was obvious that he didn't confess.

Feeling all eyes cast on him, his eyes dodge a little.

"Li Jian, Wang Wei..." What Chu Zhuohang said were the names of these two people. "He Manni gave you money to make you slander Hening and instigate employees to resign. Rumors and slander...Now, you don’t just have to leave. Also bear legal responsibility!"

As an orthodox journalism executive, Chu Zhuohang naturally knew not only reporters, but also some paparazzi who had a close relationship with reporters.

The all-pervasive paparazzi naturally took pictures of Hermanni spending money to buy the two men.

Upon hearing Chu Zhuohang's words, the two of them turned pale.

Of course, the other employees also understood the meaning, and couldn't help but look at them coldly: "Li Jian, Wang Wei, it turns out that you are making rumors!"

"They dare to say that this is an internally inquired relationship and encourage us to leave!"

"They also said that they would introduce us to work in other companies! Speaking of which, where else could give us such a good development opportunity like Miss He?"

The angry employee threw the resignation letter in his hand at the two heads!

Both Li Jian and Wang Wei knew that their affairs had been exposed, and couldn't help begging: "Director Chu, we were also bewildered for a while, please give us a chance..."

Chu Zhuohang didn't even look at them from the corner of his eye.

Gong Yunxi sneered: "Do it yourself!"

He Ning hurried over.

She also knew that for this matter, only Chu Zhuohang had come forward to be able to hold her feet down.

Because of his identity, he is persuasive enough to prove that the company is worth staying.

She went to Chu Zhuohang's apartment first, and the nurse's aunt said that he had already come to the company, and He Ning hurriedly followed to the company.

When she came, things had come to an end.

When Li Jian and Wang Wei saw her coming, they knew that she was always gentle, thinking she was better speaking, and begged: "Miss He, we didn't mean it, we are willing to change!"

When He Ning saw this scene, he understood what had happened.

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