Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 257: Just find a man

It seemed that Chu Zhuohang had already settled the matter here.

She cast a grateful glance at him, and when her gaze returned to Li Jian and Wang Wei, she had become cold-hearted: "There is nothing to say, everything should be done as Director Chu said."

The two men showed desperate expressions.

When the other employees saw such a scene, they secretly took this as a warning, and they dare not easily believe anyone's bewitching.

"Senior Chu, thank you. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid it would have been a lot of work today." He Ning was grateful.

"Responsibility." Chu Zhuohang glanced at her deeply.

Gong Yunxi and Ye Shu are very happy: "Yes, thanks to Senior Chu who appeared in time, it was discovered that these two people were bought and spread rumors. Otherwise, the TV station might be facing a crisis."

After speaking, they quickly settled down and went to work on their own.

"Is there anything about the application?" Chu Zhuohang asked.

He Ning shook his head: "I have asked the person in charge of this aspect to inquire, but the army has not responded yet."

As for Shen Jingyu, he was too busy, and she hadn't found the time to speak.

Besides, in fact, she didn't want to trouble him with such trivial matters.

"If you need my help, just speak." Chu Zhuohang said.

A self-deprecating smile flashed between his eyebrows, he knew that she would not say this to himself.

"Thank you." He Ning still smiled gratefully, with no other feelings.

He Manni waited outside, waiting for He Ning's internal troubles, waiting for He Ning to be unable to resolve, come to reconcile herself.

But she was tired of waiting and didn't hear any more noise coming from inside.

But it was He Hongtao who called her: "Mannie, Li Jian, and Wang Wei are being held accountable. I have put them both behind the scenes. When the time comes, we can't find out what is related to us."

"How did He Ning know?" He Manni really couldn't figure it out.

But when she thought of Chu Zhuohang working in He Ning's company, she knew it again.

It seems that it must be He Ning of Chu Zhuohang's help.

He Manni couldn't help gritted her teeth with hatred at the thought of Chu Zhuohang being confused by He Ning.

If He Ning hadn't gotten in the way, Chu Zhuohang would have been his own man!

After get off work, Chu Zhuohang followed He Ning and walked out.

"I'll take a taxi for you." He Ning used his mobile phone to call for a taxi.

Before the car came, she had to wait with him for a while.

"He Ning, why did you marry Shen Jingyu?"

He Ning was choked by Chu Zhuohang's sudden problem.

"How did you know Shen Jingyu?" He Ning was puzzled.

Few people know Shen Jingyu's name, and even fewer people know his true identity.

Even the He family inquired everywhere, but only heard some wrong fur.

Chu Zhuohang pointed to the badge on her chest, reminding her what her career is.

He Ning did not answer, and Chu Zhuohang then asked, "Do you really like him?"

He Ning was asked by this question.

She narrowed her eyes, not knowing whether to answer or not.

His long, narrow and cold phoenix eyes suddenly appeared in his mind.

She just didn't know... whether she should like him, if she could like him.

"If you just want to get married, just find a man to get married. There are many people who suit you." Chu Zhuohang tilted his head to look at her profile.

She looked calm, making it hard to see what she was thinking.

But there are a lot of emotions hidden in her low eyes.

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