Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2757: Today is different

This is the price she paid for her fault.

Zhuang Shihao didn't speak any more, but his fingers were a little tight, and a pale color appeared.

His voice was slightly cold: "At least, talk about it."

Finally, it was agreed to eat out, and then discuss things.

The main reason for eating is that Youyou are hungry after school and can’t wait too long like an adult.

After eating, Youyou ran to the children's playground in the store to play. There were children running over there. He quickly integrated into it and had fun.

Fang Lan and him had a good meal throughout the dinner, but Zhuang Shihao didn't seem to have a few bites.

At this moment, he is sitting at the dining table, sipping coffee.

Fang Lan didn’t order coffee and didn’t want to sleep at night. She ordered a cup of white water for herself, sat down opposite him, and said, "Let’s talk about it. I think I’ve explained it to you clearly last time. Just waiting for you to sign."

"Do you have to be self-willed? Work, move, divorce, you don't need my consent at all?" Zhuang Shihao's voice was somewhat rude.

"I am not self-willed, it is the result of good considerations. I moved to prevent Peng Xiuxiu from following. She had been to school and the community where we lived. What if you hurt Youyou? As for work, I'm tired. I don’t want to work, it’s that simple.” Fang Lan looked at him, “What’s more, you don’t care about these things. It seems unnecessary to say or not?”

Zhuang Shihao: "..."

He really didn't care much about her, wishing she didn't exist.

But this time, he knew what had changed.

It's hard for him to tell what it is, but he doesn't want to give up that feeling in his heart.

"At least, work is related to me and closely related to my company." Zhuang Shihao said flatly, "Although your position is not that important, as a boss, I still want to understand the movements of important employees."

Fang Lan smiled: "Mr. Zhuang, you seem to be very resistant to entering the company before? Now I am also called an important employee?"

"Today is different from the past. You still make progress in your work." Zhuang Shihao said this sincerely, and she did her job very well.

In fact, if you think about it, it is really not easy for her to be busy with work and taking care of Youyou.

Fang Lan laughed: "I'm sorry about this matter. After all, my direct leader is not you. I also resigned in accordance with the process."

"After you leave, what job will you change?" Zhuang Shihao is convinced that in this industry, there is no better choice than his company.

"This, I don't have any plans yet." Fang Lan just wanted to take a break and accompany Youyou more, not wanting to make the whole person so tight.

Zhuang Shihao thought she just didn't want to say that the woman who used to tell her everything depended on him, but now she closed her mouth tightly in front of him.

He thought about it seriously, she had said so many things before, and he seemed to have heard nothing in his ears, she said, he listened, and he would forget it.

A wave of anger and discomfort emerged in my heart, mixed.

"If you have any objections to the agreement, you can discuss it with my lawyer." Fang Lan had previously invested in his company in order to prevent Chu Zhuohang from taking action against Zhuang Shihao, "My shares, As I said, I can sell it to you at the market price..."

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