Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2758: See you at the Civil Affairs Bureau

Seeing that he hadn't spoken for a long time, Fang Lan continued: "Of course, if you want me to keep it, it doesn't matter. Anyway, I'm just a small shareholder and don't have much right to speak. It's OK to keep the dividends, depending on what you mean."

While talking, she entered a WeChat account in her mobile phone.

It was sent by Xu Yaorong and some pictures of toys. After Peng Xiuxiu's affairs last time, he was also very concerned about Youyou and visited Youyou in the new house with Dr. Fang.

He was playing with Youyou, and he didn't know how to say he wanted to buy him a toy, but Fang Lan refused directly.

He sent it now, and Fang Lan responded with two sentences, telling him to return to him in a while.

"It's okay, you should be busy. I will send it to your new home after I buy the toys." Xu Guangrong replied.

Zhuang Shihao and Fang Lan were sitting across from each other, but they could clearly see the row of handwritings flashing through, backwards, but it did not prevent him from understanding the meaning and the deeper meaning-even he didn't. The new homes of Fang Lan and Youyou have been visited by Xu Guangrong.

Originally it was quite calm, but the anger at the moment, but repeatedly circling and spinning in his heart, lingered.

Zhuang Shihao leaned on the back of the chair, fingered the spoon in the coffee cup, and suddenly said, "Are you divorcing yourself or another man?"

He was referring to Xu Glory.

Fang Lan was humiliated, his face flushed, and she stretched out her hand and slapped him, "Zhuang Shihao, please respect me and yourself!"

Zhuang Shihao's face turned aside, and he said coldly, "Leave it, anyway, honestly, I'm fed up with you, Fang Lan. See you tomorrow morning from the Civil Affairs Bureau."

He got up, picked up his coat, gritted his teeth and walked out.

Hearing that he suddenly agreed to the divorce, which was expected, Fang Lan's heart still trembled, and a huge loss swept across.

She inserted her hands into her hair, and it took her a while to get used to the huge discomfort in her heart.

Slowly, I finally calmed down the breath, and knew that it was almost like this.

This is also the biggest result she is asking for now.

In the evening, she took Youyou back to her new home. She found out all the documents, tidied and placed them.

The situation when I found out the documents a few years ago is still vivid.

At that time, she was still living in the Chu Family Manor and was carefree by her father's side. Sometimes she would envy the fairy love between Shen Jingyu and Chu Ning, but she couldn't imagine what her love was like.

Until Zhuang Shihao appeared, Doctor Fang took him home, washed out his own face in the blood, and when she saw his face, she knew that her love was like this.

Zhuang Shihao was injured at the time. Doctor Fang rescued him and took him in.

His condition during that time was very bad, he couldn't even recognize people, and he was silly, so he just followed Fang Lan alone. The tall and tall people must be behind her and be protected and taken care of by her.

Even though he was like a child at that time, it was the best time in Fang Lan's memory.

His girlfriend Zhang Wanyi came and left without a sound.

Fang Lan decided to take care of him forever.

But within two months, when he got better, Zhang Wanyi came back again, with a clear and pitiful face, she humbled and asked warmly by his side.

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