Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2766: So why am i injured

Dense beads of sweat appeared on Fang Lan's face. It seemed that trying to think about these things made her look very painful.

"Lan Lan, is it a headache?" Su Mi hurriedly asked.

"A little bit, it's uncomfortable, I want to vomit." Fang Languang felt uncomfortable when he thought of these problems.

"Then don't think about it, lie down and rest first," Su Mi said hurriedly.

The doctor has just explained that if you can't remember, don't think about it, for the sake of the patient's current health.

After Fang Lan lay down, she asked seriously, "So who is Youyou?"

"It's not anyone, just ask." Su Mi said, showing a smile.

"Definitely not, Zhuo Hang will not ask such questions casually." Fang Lan didn't believe it.

"Then let me tell you, Zhuo Hang and I have our own son, called Shi Chen. We also call him Chen Bao, the child is almost three years old."

Fang Lan's eyes widened in surprise: "How come?"

Su Mi told her softly: "You may have forgotten a lot of things, this time you hit your head in a car accident. But it doesn't matter, those things are not very important things for the time being."

"Chen Bao is three years old, then I have forgotten things for several years?" Fang Lan was very surprised, but then became happy again, "I'm really happy for you and Zhuo Hang, your family of three should be very happy now, right? Anyway, what I forget is definitely not a very important thing. I always know that I don’t have anyone I like, and I don’t care about anything. If you forget it, just forget it."

Su Mi showed a slight smile, but in the bottom of her heart, she didn't know whether she should be happy for her or sad for her.

Do you want to tell her about Woowoo now?

"By the way, I'm so hungry, Sister Su Mi, I really want to eat."

"What do you want to eat? I'll prepare it." Su Mi asked.

"Hot pot, skewers, barbecue, barbecue, grilled fish, that's all." Fang Lan smacked his lips, as if he hadn't eaten anything like this in a long time.

She had forgotten that Zhuang Shihao's diet was light, and he ate according to his taste after marriage. Later, when Youyou was born, she was breastfeeding and did not dare to eat heavy taste.

When Youyou stopped taking milk and eating complementary food, and the child's taste was light, she completely gave up her own taste and ate with the father and son.

Therefore, she hasn't eaten these things in her mouth for a long time, so how can she not panic when she reads them?

Su Mi laughed and guessed the reason. She was a little bit sad and unworthy of her, and said, "You can eat until you are better. The doctor has told you that you have an injury. Although it is not very serious, you still have to Eat lightly."

"Ohhhhh! So why did I get hurt?" Fang Lan grabbed her hair, why did she get hurt? It was really uncomfortable that she couldn't eat all the delicious food.

Before Chu Zhuohang and Su Mi thought about how to respond to her words, Zhuang Shihao opened the door and walked in.

He was cold and alienated, and when he appeared suddenly, it brought great pressure to people.

Fang Lan was worrying. As soon as he raised his eyes, he saw that there was another man in front of him, his handsome eyebrows and his eyes were cold, as if he was incompatible with the others.

There was no emotion in his deep eyes, but he looked at him coldly.

Fang Lan looked a little dumbfounded. She had seen many good-looking men, like Shen Jingyu and Chu Zhuohang, who were all first-rate beautiful men, but this man was still able to give her a stunning feeling.

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