Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2767: What did you do?

For a while, Fang Lan looked a little dazed.

Zhuang Shihao said lightly: "Are you awake?"

Fang Lan was shocked. Didn't he go to the wrong room? Did you come to see yourself?

She hurriedly glanced at Chu Zhuohang, then at Su Mi, and looked at them for help. What should she do? How would she answer?

Seeing her like this, Zhuang Shihao knew that this marriage would definitely not be possible to leave again. Her eyes were no longer the indifference and nonchalantness that had been before, and the determination to divorce.

Sure enough, it was just playing with him.

He shouldn't have promised her long ago!

It's nothing more than trying to make trouble again, he just pays attention to her!

This woman's method of blogging has been upgraded.

"Then the divorce can't be done?" Zhuang Shihao asked.

Fang Lan was even more shocked, what do you mean? What kind of divorce?

Chu Zhuohang and Su Mi also knew that this matter could not be hidden from her at all.

Su Mi can only explain: "Fang Lan, this is your husband in front of you. You are married to him, and you were planning to get a divorce today. But you had a car accident, so now..."

Fang Lan was happy to hear, what, she married such a handsome man? Then she really fell in love with the winner of life! This man, she eats it!

But what does it mean to get a divorce today?

"Sister Su Mi, I'm going to divorce him?" Fang Lan's happiness just disappeared.

It's hard to meet someone who is so close to the eye, she is about to divorce if she is not happy for a second?

Why did God punish her like this? What did she do?

Zhuang Shihao sneered when she heard her asking like this. Sure enough, divorce or something was just her strategy of retreat. Now it's alright. The two elders are alarmed. Everyone knows. His mother has a heart attack. Fang The doctor was also upset, and she took it as if nothing had happened.

Isn't it just for everyone to persecute him, criticize him, and put pressure on him?

Before, the feelings that he had risen slightly in Fang Lan were almost wiped out by this incident.

"Let me answer you, because we don't have any feelings, I don't love you, but you are not willing to give up this marriage, so I tried every way to get my elders to persuade me to give up divorce. We were going to get the divorce in the morning. Yes, all the elders are alarmed now, you don’t want to leave, and I can’t do it either."

The man's words are all about the theory of condemning the heart, he is determined to these things, so he speaks calmly, but also with a bit of contempt.

Chu Zhuohang cold his eyes: "Zhuang Shihao, shut up!"

"Master Chu, I would like to ask, which sentence did I say wrong?" Zhuang Shihao raised his eyebrows and looked at Chu Zhuohang, "You can continue to pressure me to continue my marriage. It doesn't matter, I have been mentally prepared."

A trace of evil flashed between Chu Zhuohang's eyebrows, and when he was about to speak, Fang Lan stopped him: "Brother Zhuohang! Don't talk nonsense with him! Let me do it!"

Fang Lan got up from the bed and pointed to Zhuang Shihao’s nose and said, "Your name is Zhuang Shihao, right? Then I tell you, when you just came in, I did have such a shameful affection for you, and I was very thankful that I was married. For a husband like you!

However, this does not mean that I will give up my good life for people like you, and make people who care about me worry and anxious!

I don’t know what water got into my mind before, but I’m telling you now, I want to control all the water! "

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