Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2771: Attracted a lot of attention

So, for the next two days, this little bun will be his responsibility.

He glanced at the little bun in the rearview mirror. The little bun was playing with his fingers, looking carefree.

His face is chubby, but his eyebrows are like Fang Lan, bright and big.

Thinking of Fang Lan, his expression turned cold again. What does her attitude mean today?

Can't wait to divorce him, but also behaved dismissively, anxiously trying to divorce him.

Originally, he thought that it was her wanting to catch again.

However, this time, she did not hesitate to sign, she was truly decisive.

Then the car accident should be real.

It seems that this time, she didn't play tricks.

He should be happy when he is really divorced, but now he has no feeling of joy at all. On the contrary, he owes a debt. Perhaps this is because the whole thing was completed under Fang Lan's arrangement, so that he has always had a desire for control. He felt a little uncomfortable.

As I was thinking, the navigation reminded the shop where I bought the safety seat has arrived.

Zhuang Shihao picked up Youyou and went straight into the store.

Youyou, who was held by Zhuang Shihao, looked like a victorious soldier, holding his head very remarkable, using his fingers as a gun, and shooting suddenly.

The gap between Zhuang Shihao and Zhuang Shihao was temporarily resolved in these small things.

When Zhuang Shihao entered the door carrying the child, he attracted a lot of attention.

He is good-looking, tall and long in legs, and Youyou are cute and cute. As soon as he enters the store, he is surrounded by shopping guides.

"Sir, what do you want to watch?"

"Safety seat, the best one, install it right away, this is the model." Zhuang Shihao showed his car key, went straight to the subject, didn't even mean to stay at all, swiped the card directly.

The shopping guide also wanted to tease Youyou. Seeing this posture, they all put away their playful thoughts, and hurriedly brought Zhuang Shihao something, then went out, and installed it for him in a couple of ways.

After shopping, go home directly.

Because there is no key to the new home, Zhuang Shihao took Youyou back to the old home.

Youyou was in the back seat, probably tired, and her expression became a little sad.

When he was not held by Zhuang Shihao, he was still a little instinctively afraid of this father, and he didn't dare to act like a baby in front of Fang Lan.

When getting out of the car, Zhuang Shihao picked him up and strode back home.

Seeing his melancholy expression, Zhuang Shihao asked: "What's the matter? Uncomfortable?"

"Hungry." Youyou rubbed his stomach, "I want to drink milk."

When Fang Lan came to pick him up, he would bring him some snacks to cushion his stomach and drink some milk by the way.

But today, at this point, he hasn't eaten anything yet.

"Wait." Zhuang Shihao went to open the refrigerator.

Youyou immediately became energetic, and ran behind him like a little tail.

When Zhuang Shihao opened the refrigerator, there was a trace of embarrassment on his face, and he gave a light cough. The refrigerator was empty and there was nothing.

In the past, there were babysitters filling up the refrigerator, Fang Lan would also be used to making all kinds of delicious foods in the refrigerator, open it at any time to get what he wants to eat.

And now, there is not even a lettuce inside.

Obviously, when Fang Lan was away, no one would take care of these places anymore, and the whole family could hardly be called a home again.

With this thought, Zhuang Shihao immediately suppressed it and said, "We order takeaway."

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