Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2772: I will win

"What is takeaway?" Youyou asked curiously.

"It's delicious."

Youyou nodded, "Is it better than mommy's?"

"of course!"

Youyou began to look forward to it.

Zhuang Shihao took out his mobile phone directly, ordered a lot of things, and ordered the milk Youyou wanted by the way. He remembered that he would go to school tomorrow, get up early to eat breakfast, and order a bunch of fresh food in the supermarket.

Thinking of something, asked the assistant to check the phone number of Youyou kindergarten teacher. He still needs to communicate with the teacher about any activities these days.

I was busy in an orderly manner, and I finally ordered the things. The teacher who should ask the teacher also said hello. It turns out that there are parent-child activities in the kindergarten these two days. There are about two afternoons and parents need to go to the kindergarten to be accompanied.

In addition, parents need to prepare some materials, do handicrafts with children in the evening, and send them the next day.

When he thought of the materials, Zhuang Shihao had a big head, and he hurried to check it on the Internet. Unfortunately, it was impossible to deliver the hand-made materials now. He didn't know where to buy, so he had to tell his assistant to buy it.

After the takeout arrived, Youyou was so hungry that her chest was pressed against her back, and she picked up the bowl and picked it up.

Although the little bun is only three years old, he already has a good way to eat. He still doesn't know how to use chopsticks, holding a spoon, and eats very sweetly.

When the assistant delivered the things, Zhuang Shihao glanced at the time, and it was almost nine o'clock in the evening.

Usually this time, Fang Lan has put Youyou to sleep.

How is her time arranged?

Zhuang Shihao has always been orderly in his work, and he has never panicked.

But on the first night with Youyou, there was not enough time, and it was almost ten o'clock after finishing the handwork.

Youyou's head was so sleepy that it was like a chicken pecking rice, bit by bit, almost touching the table.

Zhuang Shihao finally completed the last process of handwork for him, and took him to take a bath.

Put a bathtub full of water and threw him in.

Youyou suddenly became energetic, swimming around inside, very happy.

Only then did Zhuang Shihao feel exhausted, the kind of exhaustion that was several times the exhaustion of going to work. It clearly seemed that he hadn't done anything.

He took off his clothes and sat in the bathtub with Youyou.

Youyou was happier, reaching out his hand to slap the splash, and making Zhuang Shihao's face!

"Youyou!" Zhuang Shihao's cold face became hard, he really didn't like someone playing like this.

Youyou looked at him with a little fear, and returned to the way he was chilling in front of him before. He wanted to back up, but he didn't know where to go, and his mouth was flat, "I want Mommy!"

Dad is so scary, he doesn't want to be with Dad.

Seeing that the tears in his eyes were about to burst out.

Zhuang Shihao also realized that he had gone too far. The one in front of him was, after all, a child less than three years old!

For a while, Zhuang Shihao didn't know how to coax him.

After a while, he floated a handful of water on Youyou, his expression relaxed, and said: "Come and try, who can win?"

Youyou burst into tears and saw Zhuang Shihao's playful intentions. After Zhuang Shihao held a handful of water to cover his head, he reacted and hummed: "I will definitely win!"

After a while, the laughter of men and boys came all over the bathtub.

Waiting for Youyou to fall asleep, it was already very late.

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