Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2776: shut up

Youyou's words reminded him how terribly missing he was in this home before.

He just used up all of his energy just to deal with Youyou for a while, what about when Fang Lan used to deal with Youyou?

He seems to have never really gotten along with Youyou, never eat with him or play with him.

Zhuang Shihao lowered his eyes to look at this little bit, and put his big hand on his head.

Although Youyou seemed to have figured it out, she was still a little unhappy when she returned home at night.

There has been no news from Fang Lan. While watching cartoons, he stared at his phone watch, as if he was expecting something at any time.

Zhuang Shihao didn't cook, he still ordered takeaway.

Youyou was not as happy as she was yesterday. After all, the food is different in color and smell from the food that Mommy's meticulously cooked, and the rice is also very hard.

He took the spoon and picked rice in his mouth little by little.

Zhuang Shihao has eaten more than half of it, and he is still bowing his head, his mouth slumped and unable to eat.

"Isn't it delicious?"

"It's not as delicious as Mommy's." Youyou felt wronged.

Zhuang Shihao gave him some food: "Then next time what do you want to eat, tell me, I'll give you some."

"I want to eat mommy's food."

"..." Zhuang Shihao was silent and did not respond to him.

Seeing that he ignored himself, Youyou stopped talking, and the fear of his father rose again.

For Zhuang Shihao, Youyou's feelings were very contradictory. He wanted to be with him but was afraid of being with him. When Zhuang Shihao's face sank, he felt a deep fear.

He continued to lower his head to eat, but the rice in the bowl seemed to get more and more, and he couldn't finish it.

"Eat quickly." Zhuang Shihao urged, the food is almost cold.

Youyou cried out: "I want Mommy!"

Zhuang Shihao told him well before, thinking that he would be good for a few days at least temporarily and would not talk about Fang Lan.

But he didn't know the child too much. Youyou was only three years old, too small to count the number of days. In the afternoon, he promised to give Fang Lan some time, but in the evening, he felt that a long time had passed.

If he can describe it, it might be as long as half a century for him.

How could he endure such a long time for half a century?

"I want Mommy! I want Mommy! I just want Mommy." Youyou held the spoon, tears on his face.

My stomach is empty, but I don't even want to eat.

Zhuang Shihao knocked on the table: "I told you, Mommy is still in a meeting now, it is impossible to answer your phone, and it is impossible to come to see you. Can you understand me?"

"I don't understand, I just want Mommy..." Youyou threw away the spoon and cried.

"Zhuang Tingyou! Shut up!" Zhuang Shihao shouted, his patience was really exhausted, and he didn't know how to continue, and he took out the set of dealing with subordinates.

Youyou was stunned for a moment, and a small face suddenly turned pale with fright. Zhuang Shihao was distressed, and was about to reach out and hug him. He cried louder: "Dad is worse, I don't want my dad, I want my mom. Mummy! I want Mommy!"

Youyou was no longer as obedient as last night, crying more and more violently.

Zhuang Shihao didn't know where to start. He was so small and so small that he cried into tears. He couldn't beat or scold, and he didn't have the ability to coax.

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