Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2777: Miss it, miss it

Suddenly, at a loss.

He took out a cigarette, and was about to tap it, when he suddenly remembered that Fang Lan had not allowed him to smoke at home, and took the cigarette away sullenly.

No, he and she are divorced, why do you still think about her rules?

He pulled it out again, but he didn't ignite after a long time.

"Mommy, Mommy..." Youyou cried so much that it was uncomfortable, "Mommy, don't stop Youyou, Youyou will be very good..."

Zhuang Shihao stretched out his hand and picked him up. Youyou cried continuously, but it was much smaller.

He was crying messy, making Zhuang Shihao's suit all tears, snot, and saliva.

Zhuang Shihao was helpless. It was just tired to take a child last night, but he never thought that taking a child is such a difficult thing.

He really can't figure it out.

The work in the afternoon is still accumulated into the evening, but Youyou may not be able to take a moment of clear thinking to cope with the work because of such troubles.

He can only hold Youyou like this and wait for him to cry.

Youyou was finally tired, closed his eyes, and stared at his phone watch sobbingly.

Zhuang Shihao glanced at the dining table. Youyou barely ate a few bites. He said, "Drink some milk?"

Youyou was tired and hungry, and finally agreed, took the milk from Zhuang Shihao, and drank it all.

After taking a shower and lying on the bed, Youyou still shed tears and fell asleep for a long time.

Zhuang Shihao was upset, went to the bathroom, and finally lit a cigarette.

I want to call Fang Lan to see if she really doesn't remember Youyou, or if she just threw Youyou to him after the divorce?

What is this woman thinking?

After smoking a cigarette, he barely suppressed the irritability in his heart.

Zhuang Shihao walked out, picked up Youyou's phone watch, and glanced at it casually.

The phone watch can make calls and send voice.

In Youyou's voice list, the most conversations with Fang Lan.

He clicked and opened one. It was Fang Lan’s voice: "Youyou, Mommy is in a meeting today, and Mommy Zhang will come to pick you up, but Mommy will be back soon. I will accompany you to dinner later, so be good. ."

Mother Zhang is the family's nanny Zhang.

Zhuang Shihao clicked on a few words casually, and the general content was almost the same. The woman's voice was gentle and flying upwards, and the warm tail was nice, and it sounded a very comfortable voice.

She used to speak to him in this voice before, but Zhuang Shihao remembered that she hadn't heard her speak to him in such a voice for a long time.

Especially, from the day when he didn't respond to the appointment on his birthday, her tone became a little cold, and gradually there was no ending, but flat and straightforward, no longer full of emotion.

He slid another one at random, but inside was his voice with a dull voice: "Youyou, happy birthday to you, be happy every day."

It was sent by Youyou on his second birthday.

But he remembered that he had never said this to Youyou. At that time, he seemed to be receiving a foreign guest from France. He was too busy to walk away. He did not attend Youyou's birthday and did not send a voice message.

By the time he was finished, it was early in the morning. The next morning Youyou went to the early education class, and he missed it.

At that time, he didn't regard this kind of thing as a major event, and he missed it when he missed it. He never thought that he needed to make up for it.

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