Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2792: Hurt by each other's edges and corners

Her original intention was definitely not the case. She should have selectively wanted to forget Zhuang Shihao, so she didn't even have the memory of Youyou.

It is not easy for a mother to forget her beloved child completely.

Xu Glory couldn't bear to see that she was thinking hard.

However, Dr. Fang and others felt that it would be better for her not to bear so much for the time being, and it would be hard for him to break this.

"It may be that the body is uncomfortable, which leads to a lot of pressure in the heart. Just take more rest." Xu Guangrong comforted.

Fang Lan nodded lightly, and after lying down, took a few deep breaths.

When she wakes up, her mood will be much better just now, and her whole person will be awake a lot.

This is because you are basically doing better here.

Children’s illnesses actually come and go quickly.

When the fever subsides, it will be fine soon. It's just that the stomach and intestines of Youyou need to be treated well to be able to return to the previous state.

Zhuang Shihao took Youyou home and delegated his work to the assistant and vice president. Only important tasks were contacted by video conference at home, and he personally accompanied Youyou.

When Aunt Zhang came over to cook, she was shocked to see that he was at home. The sun came out from the west, and Zhuang Shihao was there?

"Sir." Aunt Zhang hurriedly stopped.

"Youyou have a bad gastrointestinal tract these past two days. Look at cooking something light and digestible."

"Yes, I will pay attention." Aunt Zhang responded hurriedly.

This errand was supposed to be done by Fang Lan, so why did he do it?

Moreover, for the first time ever, Zhuang Shihao was still reading a picture book for Youyou, reading a bit bluntly, but Youyou still listened with gusto, and followed his small mouth one by one, learning his voice.

Aunt Zhang hurriedly rubbed her eyes, afraid that she was not dreaming?

But the fact is that this is not a dream, it is like this in real life.

After Fang Lan recovered from his illness, he stayed at the beach for a few more days and lived a happy life of eating, sleeping and shopping.

It was also comfortable, it was the faint worry in my heart that would occasionally surface again, pulling her thoughts away.

Fang Lan laughed. After getting married, she became sentimental.

This is really marriage aging, or being single.

"What are you thinking about?" Xu Guangrong swam for a while before sitting down on the beach beside her.

"Thinking that I will never get married again!"

Xu Rongyao was a little melancholy: "Do you hate men themselves, or hate marriage itself?"

"It's not disgusting, just don't want to. When you say that you are alone, how free and good you are. Everything is fine, and everything is fine. Why do you have to be with another person, run in with each other? Are you hurt by the corners?"

"It's not necessarily all harm. After forming a family, it is important to have a common goal to fight for, to care for each other, and to give each other strength." Xu Rongyao smiled and said his views.

Fang Lan laughed: "But being two people will be very tired and troublesome, right? You accommodate me, I accommodate you, and then I get bored."

"I haven't tried it yet, but I am looking forward to it." Xu Guangrong looked into her eyes and said.

Fang Lan was surprised: "Have you never tried to get married or fall in love?"

"Both." Xu Glory said with a smile.

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