Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2793: Wait any longer

"It's no wonder that people always have good yearning for things they haven't tried." Fang Lan lay down with a smile, bathing in the sun, "Only after trying can we know the discord."

Xu Glory asked, "Didn't you have forgotten it?"

"Things can be forgotten, and people can forget. But that kind of feeling is hard to forget." Fang Lan remembered that when Zhuang Shihao came to the hospital to forcefully ask for a divorce, his disgusting tone and expression, and his questioning remarks were like swords and swords. The body is unbearable.

How could she endure that man for four years?

That hazy feeling pierces her heart every time she thinks about it.

She doesn't need to feel it anymore to know how bad this feeling is, so why bother to try.

Xu Glory saw her expression, knew her mood, it didn't matter, he could wait, anyway, for so many years, he didn't meet a more exciting woman, so why wait any longer?

"I feel that it will be forgotten, but it takes time." Xu Guangrong comforted.

Fang Lan nodded: "I think so too. Maybe I was sick of each other in my marriage?"

"You didn't!" Xu Guangrong said immediately.

"Do you know that man?" Fang Lan asked with interest.

"I don't know much, but you didn't do anything wrong. It's all his problem."

Fang Lan laughed: "Thank you."

Thank you for defending me like this. My father said that she had done nothing wrong in her relationship. Mama Su also said that she had worked so hard. Su Mi also told her that she had done her best to maintain the marriage.

But reason told her, where is such a perfect woman? How could he really tolerate Zhuang Shihao stepping on his head? I must have given him a good look too!

Probably when the divorce happened, it was evened.

A few days later, Fang Lan finally returned home with ease.

Doctor Fang drove to pick her up, and saw that she was thin and happy, and couldn't help but feel happy.

"How are you playing?"

"It's really great!" Fang Lan leaned back in the chair, "It's the trouble for Mr. Xu, he will arrange the whole process. He should have been invited to a meal, but when he got off the plane, he was called by the company. I'm gone, I have to owe it."

"Xu Guangrong, this child, is very good, sincere in dealing with people and doing things."

"Yeah. And I've been grateful, and I always talk about the things you left him for dinner. It's because of this that he was willing to help me like this. I couldn't get over it. I didn't think so much at the time, let alone I kept him for food. What a meal."

Doctor Fang smiled, "Don't you think he is pretty good in all aspects?"

"Yes, it's all okay." Fang Lan didn't think about that at all. The reason why she agreed to travel, she also thought Xu Guangrong was entrusted by her father.

Seeing this, Dr. Fang didn't know if Xu Rongrong was not enthusiastic enough, or her daughter was too slow. The only time she might have been in love was with Zhuang Shihao.

Doctor Fang is not in a hurry. As a father, he only wants to see a happy daughter, instead of pushing her in a certain direction blindly.


Fang Lan returned home, distributed the gifts to Doctor Fang and Su Mu, opened his own mail, and checked the tax refund mail.

Then found that there are other unread mails.

She quickly clicked and took a look. It turned out that she was from the company, and she had something to ask her, hoping she could answer a call.

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