Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2794: No matter how handsome and rich it is, it's useless

She checked the email time and found out that it was not long before she left her job.

It turns out that I have been in such an unfamiliar industry for a long time.

She replied a call to the man.

It turned out that the opposite was his assistant, a young girl who was just a fledgling girl, eagerly said on the other side of the phone: "Sister Fang Lan, did you really call me? Thank you very much. I really can’t help it. In my job, I have always calculated data, but it is not correct. I dare not ask others, so I can only ask you for help. Can you help me?"

"You send it, let me see." Fang Lan is actually not sure, she can still remember the job content.

"Because this is the content of the company's internal documents, you can't send it out at will. Can I come to see you? I'll ask for a leave tomorrow."

Fang Lan thought for a while, "Well, where is your company address? Anyway, I'm going out tomorrow. I'll stop by if it's not far away."

"My company address?" The assistant was stunned. Fang Lan didn't remember the company address?

"Tell me about it." Fang Lan didn't bother to explain.

The little assistant reported the address. Fang Lan saw that it was not far away. She brought gifts to Chu Zhuohang and Su Mi from abroad. She went to the manor tomorrow, and she happened to be on the way when she came back.

She agreed.

The little assistant is grateful and thankful for all kinds of thanks, thanking her for her willingness to help.

Fang Lan didn't think too much, anyway, she was fine, so she could do nothing.

The next day, after going to the manor and giving the gift, she sat for a while, then she came out and went straight to the company.

When many people saw her, they nodded in greeting.

Fang Lan had no choice but to respond with a smile. She didn't know anyone, and couldn't tell who was who. It turned out that she had forgotten some people, but had forgotten all the things in the past four years.

This memory can protect yourself well enough.

Seeing Fang Lan, the little assistant immediately came forward to pull her, and said with joy: "Sister Fang Lan, you are so kind! Thank you so much, you are really helpful for being able to come."

"Where are the things, let me see." Fang Lan can only smile because she is not familiar with her, but she has the same image as when she was working here before.

"I'll go to the financial room to get it. I can only ask you to sit in my office for a while." The assistant took her to sit down, poured her a cup of coffee, and then turned around and ran out.

Fang Lan sat in her seat and played with her mobile phone.

Small assistants are not separate offices, but separate office spaces, with a lot of employees coming and going.

After a while, two other employees walked in together, and only heard the slightly fatter one say: "You know, Mr. Fang came to the company today."

"Which party's chief?" the thinner one asked in confusion.

"Which one do you say?"

"Oh, you're talking about Mr. Fang, who just divorced Mr. Zhuang? What is she doing here? I thought she had completely given up on her?" the thin employee asked.

The fatter one said: "Who knows, many people have seen it. I really didn't expect that Fang always can still read the old feelings, and I don't know why she came here? I didn't say it, I asked me to marry Mr. Zhuang like that. Man, no matter how handsome it is, it doesn't matter how rich it is. There are so many small three small four small five out there, and it always shows Fang Zong's face. I would rather drink porridge than marry such a rich man."

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