Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2811: What do i like

Assistant Zhang was surprised and should be down.

However, although Fang Lan holds shares, it has no decisive effect on the general meeting of shareholders. She has always come as she wants, and forget it if she doesn't.

Her vote is usually for Zhuang Shihao by default.

Assistant Zhang thought about it carefully, and it became clear.

It seems that Mr. Zhuang is not completely unconscious.

pretty good.

When Fang Lan received the call from Assistant Zhang, her face was at a loss: "What?"

"It is the general meeting of shareholders. Shareholders who hold shares are required to attend and have the right to vote and have the right to speak. This is your right as a shareholder."

"Then can I not attend?" Fang Lan didn't want to go to his ex-husband's company, nor did he want to meet with him.

"No way, Mr. Fang, your shares are still relatively large. Your decision is of great importance to the company." Assistant Zhang was so slobbered, "The stable development of the company depends on you. where."

Fang Lan is speechless, he is so important, isn't it?

"But if the company develops well, it will not do me any good." Fang Lan thought, he is divorced, do you still have to contribute to the ex-husband?

She had almost wata in her mind.

Assistant Zhang immediately said: "Of course you have, if you hold shares, you can also pay dividends. The dividends are not cheap."

"Then can my shares be sold?" Fang Lan asked.

Assistant Zhang stunned: "It's okay, but apart from Mr. Zhuang, who can buy so many things in your hands?"

Fang Lan was forced to participate.

So, does she vote for Zhuang Shihao's opponent?

The company broke down early, and everyone shot and broke up as early as possible.

But thinking like this in her heart, she also knows that she can't do that, and if the company breaks down, she, a shareholder, still has to bear it.

At that time, you might have to have more time to show up yourself.

She can only postpone her travel plan temporarily.

Assistant Zhang’s notice was in place and Fang Lan’s accurate reply was received. He hurried to congratulate Zhuang Shihao: "Congratulations, Mr. Zhuang, Mr. Fang agreed to come."

"What do I like?" Zhuang Shihao casually hung up, but a smile appeared on the corners of his lips involuntarily.

The next day, it was time for the general meeting of shareholders.

Zhuang Shihao woke up early in the morning, shaving in the mirror, brushing his teeth and washing his face.

After changing into a suit, he wore a tie in front of the mirror, squinted his eyes slightly to examine himself in the mirror, and made every detail meticulous.

However, this tie made him not very satisfied. Looking at the mirror, he couldn't reach the ideal state after several adjustments.

Youyou was sitting on the side nibbling Zhuang Shihao's corn boiled early in the morning, and looked at him with blinking eyes.

Zhuang Shihao glanced at him, went back to the room, and quickly found another tie, dark red with a gold border color, with a low-key elegance. Fang Lan bought it for him on his wedding anniversary. He actually liked it before. However, I have only worn it once.

After the tie was taken out, it didn't match the clothes he had chosen before. He quickly changed his clothes again, then tied the tie and arranged it in front of the mirror.

Then he walked to the dining table, Youyou gnawed corn and stared at his tie.

"Are you handsome?" Zhuang Shihao patted his head.

"Very handsome!" Youyou nodded, with corn all over her mouth.

Zhuang Shihao gave a satisfied smile and said, "Whether better than you?"

"Almost." Youyou nodded his head and tugged at his little bow tie. "Mommy said I'm the most handsome."

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