Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2812: Mommy's figure

Zhuang Shihao smiled and took the corn directly. This is probably the shareholder meeting he is looking forward to most.

After the quick delivery of Youyou, Zhuang Shihao drove to the company. As soon as Assistant Zhang saw him, he hurriedly greeted him: "Mr. Zhuang, according to your request, the members are almost there."

Zhuang Shihao nodded, restored his calm expression, adjusted his tie, and said, "Then let's have a meeting."

Assistant Zhang hurriedly got the information and followed Zhuang Shihao.

When Zhuang Shihao was at the door of the conference room, his steps paused slightly, and Assistant Zhang also stopped, and said hurriedly, "Does Zhuang always forget something? I'll go back and get it?"

He didn't forget something, but what he lost, and that was perhaps the most important thing he had lost.

And now, he wants to pick it back, don't know if there is such an opportunity?

This idea just flashed through Zhuang Shihao's mind dimly, and then dispersed, making him unable to grasp it for a while.

He stepped again and walked towards the conference room.

"President Zhuang!"

"President Zhuang!"

The members of the board of directors all stood up to say hello.

As usual, Zhuang Shihao looked around quickly and nodded in greeting.

However, he didn't see the face he wanted to see most.

Fang Lan didn't come.

Of course, there are also several other shareholders who ask for leave, because this is a regular meeting every year, and it is said that it is not particularly important. There are also cases of asking for leave.

Just like in previous years, Fang Lan will not come.

Zhuang Shihao suddenly lost his mind, his face sank slightly.

When other people saw his face, they all sat in shock, not knowing what to say, their expressions also became solemn.

"What's the matter with asking for leave?" Zhuang Shihao asked.

Assistant Zhang said hurriedly: "Wang Dong is not in good health. He is in hospital. Qin Dong has something to do at his house. He flew to his hometown last week. There is also...

He glanced at the location quickly and found that Fang Lan's location was still empty. Assistant Zhang shook his heart. Why did he forget this?

Mr. Fang said that he was coming, but he was not obliged to come. Assistant Zhang could only make sure with someone, and he couldn't keep urging him.

Zhuang Shihao did not continue to question, and said, "Let's get started."

But at this moment, the voice is low, no longer the same as when I only came in the morning, I was so excited and full of enthusiasm.


Fang Lan actually got up early in the morning.

She promised Assistant Zhang to come over and participate in the meeting, but she did not break her promise.

Fang Lan changed into smart clothes and applied lipstick a little. Her skin condition is very good. She has had a good rest recently and is in a good mood. So the foundation and concealer on the table are useless.

She drove outside, stopped specifically, bought a breakfast, and didn't want to be wronged because she was in a hurry.

Then she drove forward slowly.

By the side of the school bus, the children are queuing to get on the bus. The kindergarten where Youyou is located is going to the aquarium today to observe fish activities.

Youyou also followed the children's team with her small bag on her back.

The kindergarten often has such activities, and the children are very used to it, and all of them are looking forward to such courses.

Youyou was waiting, and glanced at the car next to her, as if she was her mother.

He really hasn’t seen Mommy for a long time, and every time he shouts to see him, he can’t see him every time. Slowly, he calls less frequently, but he misses Mommy at all. cut back.

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