Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2813: Soft-hearted

Seeing Fang Lan at this moment, Youyou became anxious and immediately followed.

The teacher was busy changing clothes for a child who had urinated his pants. The other teacher arranged the formation and arranged the child to get on the bus. He just gave Youyou a gap, but he didn't see the wrong eye, so Youyou ran to follow him. Followed two streets in small steps.

Because the roads in the morning were a bit congested, Fang Lan's car was not driving fast, so she still had time to slow down and have breakfast.

Until I heard a noisy sound from behind the car.

I felt a crowd of people behind my car, and someone was knocking on her window.

Fang Lan put down the car window strangely, and someone shouted at her: "Child, your child!"

Fang Lan shook his heart. Could it be that he bumped into the child just now? But she drove very slowly and carefully, and when she was eating, she stopped completely and waited for the passage ahead before eating.

But it was a child problem, she didn't dare to neglect, and immediately got out of the car and walked back.

I saw a child crying sadly and shouting: "Mommy, Mommy, wait for me..."

His knee had been injured because he fell to the ground, his tender skin had been scratched, and he looked pitiful.

It looked like he was running from a distance.

Several people surrounded him, and an aunt was sighing: "It's so pitiful. This kid doesn't know how long he has been running. I watched from a distance, as if he was running from the other side of the street."

"Fortunately, the car behind stopped and didn't hit him. I don't know which child it was."

Fang Lan crossed the crowd and went in. Youyou, who was lying on the ground, saw her and ran over crying immediately: "Mommy!"

Fang Lan was taken aback, wasn't this the kid he met at the event that day?

Why is he here? Why do you still call yourself mommy?

Youyou rushed over, Fang Lan just squatted down and hugged him, feeling a little at a loss for a while, wondering whether to hug him or not.

Others saw Youyou yelling to Mommy while holding Fang Lan, and couldn't help but say: "Oh, it turns out that it is really the child of this car owner. The kid is so pitiful, I have been chasing this car for a long time.

"Being a mother is a bit irresponsible, right?"

"I don't know if it was the mother who made the child forget to get in the car, or what? Young people, have to be optimistic about their children. If something happens, the consequences will be disastrous, and you will regret it for life."

Everyone saw the mother and son meet, and after talking for a while, they separated.

Fang Lan had no choice but to carry Youyou into the car first.

Youyou hugged her and refused to let go. She soothed: "Sit back first, okay? I'll find a place to show you the injured leg first. The cars behind are urging us."

Although Youyou was reluctant, she let go of her hand and obediently went to the back row.

Fang Lan didn't even bother to attend any shareholders' meeting. He directly searched for the nearest hospital, drove over, hugged Youyou, went straight to the hospital, and bandaged his frayed knee first.

Youyou was aggrieved and hurt, holding Fang Lan's neck and not letting go. After all, the doctor treated him the wound.

"It's not a big problem, the main thing is to break the skin, and change the medicine again and it will be fine. Take the medicine home, and change it yourself." The doctor exhorted.

Fang Lan hugged this little cute, with a soft heart, and didn't know where his parents were?

"Little friend, let me ask you, do you remember the phone number of your family?" Fang Lan hugged him and asked seriously.

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