Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2839: No love, no hate

"No, a friend will send us off, I have already agreed."

Zhuang Shihao thought of the Xu Yaorong he had just seen, and the two men tacitly avoided confronting them directly, and they didn't even communicate with each other.

However, Zhuang Shihao knew that Xu Rongrong and Fang Lan were very close.

He hadn't cared about what friends Fang Lan had and what his usual life was like before, so he didn't know what kind of person Xu Guangrong was.

"Yes, Uncle Xu will send us off." Youyou plunged into Fang Lan's arms. He was used to living with Fang Lan. Although he would miss Zhuang Shihao, he didn't have much consciousness to demand.

Moreover, he is also very used to it. Zhuang Shihao doesn't live with Fang Lan, so when he heard that he was going home, he naturally chose Fang Lan's embrace.

Zhuang Shihao looked at his movements and the manner in which he had no nostalgia for himself, and he understood the reason in his heart.

Youyou may need him, but because of his lack in the past three years, Youyou is not indispensable.

A weak frustration spread in his heart, Zhuang Shihao's whole body was covered in desertedness, and his figure was stretched very long under the light of the street lamp.

Fang Lan hugged Youyou and said, "Then see you better than Dad, we're going home."

"Ok, goodbye dad." Youyou waved obediently.

Xu Guangrong just took the car and came over, and Doctor Fang and Su Mu also walked out of the manor.

When they saw Zhuang Shihao, they were angry before, but now they have become more calm. Fang Lan has become happy, and they don't have to worry about that much.

Therefore, the two elders took the initiative to say hello to him.

Zhuang Shihao responded. Xu Guangrong came over enthusiastically and said with a smile: "Uncles and aunts, get in the car, I'll see you off."

Fang Lan hugged Youyou and got into Xu Glory's car with his parents.

The car turned around and drove out, leaving only a cloud of dust.

Zhuang Shihao stood on the spot, took out a cigarette to light it, and inhaled it calmly. After a while, he put out the cigarette **** and drove away from the manor.

Fang Lan's mood didn't fluctuate, but his amnesia was good. He would no longer have any feelings for people and things that he had forgotten.

There is no hate if there is no love, and there is also peace of mind, no turbulence, no need to think.

Xu Guangrong’s car stopped in the community. He had to send Doctor Fang and Su’s mother. Fang Lan waved goodbye to them, took Youyou home, took a shower directly, and fell asleep like a child on the bed. Up.

The next day, after she sent Youyou, when she returned to the community, she saw a pair of middle-aged people in their fifties who seemed to be waiting for her.

When the middle-aged couple with graceful manners saw her, they rushed forward and said, "Fang Lan!"

"You are……"

"Youyou's grandparents." Mother Zhuang said with a busy smile, "you probably don't remember it, but it doesn't matter, we have no other meaning in coming. Wasn't Youyou birthday yesterday? We were too busy and didn't come over, thinking tonight Take Youyou home for dinner."

Fang Lan remembered seeing the couple in an album. The last time his father sent Youyou's things in one go, it contained several large albums.

Fang Lan smiled: "Okay, I'll go to receive Youyou that night and give it to you."

"Okay, okay." Mother Zhuang said with excitement, "Fang Lan, it's really hard for you."

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