Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2840: More and more guilty

"Taking care of my son is not hard work," Fang Lan said flatly.

"Shihao's child is ignorant and has caused you a lot of trouble. As a mother, I am very sorry to you for failing to discipline my son."

Fang Lan is not used to such strong feelings of guilt from Zhuang's mother, and said, "It's okay, it's all over."

"Fang Lan, what happened back then, I'm really sorry..." Mother Zhuang whispered, "We are sorry for you, which caused you...We shouldn't force you into Shihao's room and make you pregnant. With Youyou, I force you Fengzi to get married."

Fang Lan was stunned for a moment, "This..."

Obviously, she did not expect that there is such a hidden secret in it.

Mother Zhuang said: "At the beginning, Shihao had to be with Zhang Wanyi. Both my father and I looked down on Zhang Wanyi, so we had to separate the two of them. Shihao drove Zhang Wanyi with him and planned to leave the city where we live. Work hard elsewhere.

However, they had a car accident, Shihao was injured, and the whole person was confused. It was your father, Doctor Fang who saved him, and you also took care of him for several months.

Later, he got better, and I saw that you liked him so much, so I made some tricks to make you...you got pregnant with Youyou, and then got married. "

Fang Lan knew from others that she really liked Zhuang Shihao at the beginning, so she tried every means to marry him.

It’s about pregnancy. I didn’t expect it to be like this. Otherwise, how could Zhuang Shihao’s feelings for his ex-girlfriend have a relationship with himself?

Fang Lan sighed lowly: "I don't regret giving birth to Youyou."

The implication was that for other things, she didn't want to consider whether it was worth it or not, because the value and significance had not been considered.

Mother Zhuang said these words, but her heart was not relaxed. On the contrary, she was ashamed of Fang Lan, which made this child bear so much.

Fang Lan, who has no amnesia, actually knew about this for a long time. Mother Zhuang did her hands and feet to make her have a relationship with Zhuang Shihao, but she did not mention it to Zhuang Shihao, because the fact is that she did enjoy this piece made by Zhuang’s mother. The blessings of things, she does not deny that she has gained benefits, so how can she blame the villager?

In the past few years, Zhuang's mother has been grateful that Fang Lan kept this matter for her.

It's just that now, she is getting more and more guilty and feels that Fang Lan has endured too much, so she chooses to tell her the matter again now.

"Sorry, Fang Lan..." Mother Zhuang was full of guilt.

"Don't need to say these things." Fang Lan's tone was very calm, entangled in the past has become meaningless, and she has no love or hatred towards Zhuang's mother.

So be it.

She didn't want to get apologies, she wanted to live her life well.

"Fang Lan, Shihao and the dealer are sorry to you. But I am also relieved to see that you are having a good time now. Now that you have forgotten the unhappiness in the past, then find a man again and find someone who is good to you. Live your life well." Mother Zhuang said sincerely.

Fang Lan heard her true feelings, and thought to herself that Zhuang's mother was much more minded than her son.

But she hasn't thought about her private life anymore, so it's good for now.

It's just that there is no need to tell Mother Zhuang to listen to her personal arrangements, so she nodded and said, "Well, good."

The tone is hard to say alienated, but it is never affectionate.

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