Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2846: Is this a fake Zhuang Shihao?

Zhuang Shihao stepped forward, took Youyou's small schoolbag and water cup, and followed the mother and son.

It doesn't look like a divorced family, but harmony and beauty.

Fang Lan finished talking with his son, and turned around to see Zhuang Shihao, and said: "Your car probably smells a lot of smoke. I'll send Youyou to his grandparents' side."

Presumably, he probably wouldn't like to accompany Youyou much. If he has something, he can go to work.

Fang Lan put his son in the car, and the man also sat in.

"You won't drive your own car?" Fang Lan frowned slightly. Why is this person so familiar?

Said to be alienated and indifferent? How can you say a few words to yourself and Youyou for a few years? The news she got must be confirmed and correct, but now, this is a fake Zhuang Shihao, right?

"The smell of cigarettes in the car is heavy, and I rarely touch it."

Fang Lan rolled his eyes to him. He, the initiator, is embarrassed to say such things?

However, seeing Youyou happily talking to Zhuang Shihao, Fang Lan didn't get him out of the car and drove straight to the address sent by Zhuang's mother.

Fang Lan drove by herself, and occasionally looked at the same Youyou from the rearview mirror, and saw the man with his brows and brows talking to the child very gently, looking like a good father.

She suddenly remembered what Mother Zhuang said today. It was Mother Zhuang who used the means to make her pregnant with Youyou.

As far as she knows, before that, Zhuang Shihao had a girlfriend.

So, Zhuang Shihao's indifference, alienation and irresponsibility before marriage were all due to events at that time?

With that said, even though he was too much, he couldn't blame him.

Fang Lan put himself in the situation and thought, if there is a man who likes himself, he will use means to put himself into the marriage, so that he can live a life that he is not willing to, and it is only natural that he wants to go crazy.

I really didn't expect that I would like him this way before, so begging for everything that even his mother would like to please him in every possible way.

Everyone is also very difficult.

Having figured this out, Fang Lan no longer resisted him as much as before.

At the place, Fang Lan took Youyou out of the car and said, "Then I will pick you up at night. Be obedient."

"Hmm." Youyou is really good.

Zhuang Shihao was inconvenient to stay with Fang Lan, so he watched their mother and son say goodbye, and then watched her drive away.

He didn't embrace Youyou, but took his hand into the elevator, because Fang Lan said that he smelled of smoke.

Mother Zhuang came to open the door, and saw Youyou, like a kiss.

She was not surprised before Fang Lan came. Her son's attitude towards other girls had been for many years.

Now that others have finally started a new life, it is right not to come home anymore.

However, his own son's stubborn temper, I am afraid that he will not lead others to come back.

It's a pity that she is such a good girl. From the bottom of her heart, Mother Zhuang doesn't like Zhang Wanyi, but is there any way? I have tried everything. My son is still like this. What else can she do besides compromise?

Do you just watch your son's unhappiness all his life?

She looked back and saw her son was cleaning the room.

"It's almost dinner, you accompany Youyou. Let those things go, I will do with Aunt Zhang." Mother Zhuang said.

"Soon." Zhuang Shihao said to Youyou, taking the things in his hands, "Son, help Dadby put it in the trash can."

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