Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2847: What does this mean?

Holding the things Zhuang Shihao handed over, Youyou ran to the trash can in a swift motion, and stepped on two small legs, seemingly obedient.

Only then did Mother Zhuang see clearly that what the son and grandson threw together were a few complete boxes of cigarettes.

"I was talking about asking you to quit smoking. I was hospitalized in the hospital a few days ago. I was in the same ward with several lung cancers from smoking. I was frightened when I heard it. You said, let you quit smoking earlier." Mother Zhuang was happy when she saw this.

"I won't smoke anymore," Zhuang Shihao said flatly.

"Hey!" Mother Zhuang was very happy, "I'm going to serve food."

After dinner, Fang Lan came to meet Youyou, parked the car downstairs, and called Zhuang's mother.

After Zhuang’s mother hung up, she knew her son did not want to see Fang Lan, so she said, “I’ll take Youyou downstairs, just in time I’m going to throw a trash.”

"I'll go." Zhuang Shihao picked up Youyou, "Give me the garbage bag."

Mother Zhuang thought to himself, what is this? Where did you see him doing housework before? Where would you meet with Fang Lan when you meet him?

But she did not refuse, "Then you go, let Aunt Zhang take away the **** in a while."

Originally throwing garbage was just an excuse. Zhuang's mother didn't force it, and Zhuang Shihao didn't say much, and went downstairs holding Youyou.

Fang Lan took Youyou, and smelled the smell of Zhuang Shihao's body soap. It was quite fragrant. She used the same brand as her usual. Maybe when she left, the body soap at home hadn't been used up yet?

This man is Mong Sao, going home in such a short time and having to take a bath, it's no wonder that the ability to attract bees and butterflies outside is so powerful.

She hugged Youyou with lowered eyebrows, said faintly goodbye to Zhuang Shihao, got in the car and left.

Zhuang Shihao's sword eyebrows frowned slightly. She didn't like the smell of her cigarettes. He had already washed them after going home just now, and she didn't feel happy this time.

I don't know if she didn't notice it or didn't care.

Damn it!

He cursed in annoyance, he should tell her directly, so that she wouldn't bother her.

However, Fang Lan's car was far away, and Zhuang Shihao could only go home.

Mother Zhuang cleaned up, and he was going back to their residence with Father Zhuang.

Before leaving, she said: "Zhang Wanyi's phone number, I put it in the study for you."

"Mom!" Zhuang Shihao raised his hand and rubbed his temple, "You take it away, I can't use it."

"..." Mother Zhuang didn't know what he meant, but she was a little worried.

Zhuang Shihao's heart was fighting between heaven and man, and he couldn't smoothly express his desire to recover Fang Lan. After a long time, he said: "The past is gone. I think Fang Lan... is pretty good."

Mother Zhuang was taken aback and forgot to go to the study to take away the note with Zhang Wanyi's phone number written on it.

On the way back, she and Father Zhuang wondered over and over again, what does this mean?

"You said our son, are you planning to reconcile with Fang Lan? Then I went to Fang Lan today and asked her to quickly find a good man again. Isn't it a waste of help?" Mother Zhuang was very regretful, and felt in her heart. No grabbing.

Father Zhuang didn't quite understand what his son was thinking.

The feelings that have not been cultivated for a few years, but have been cultivated after the divorce?

what is happening?

It doesn't matter what the situation is, it's just that Zhuang Shihao realized that his partner Lan has always had feelings.

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