Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2887: Let people put so much effort into it

He also knew that that was the best way Fang Lan refused.

She didn't embarrass him, she took care of his decency.

But it also completely eliminated his opportunity.

Fang Lan really regretted it. She didn't know that Xu Yaorong had this thought until now.

When her father persuaded her to consider Xu Glory before, she only regarded it as his father's wishful thinking.

If she had known it earlier, she might not have bothered Xu Glory so much.

Both men and women who raise spare fetuses are very hateful.

She naturally knew that the more clearly she refused, the sooner someone else could make plans and find a new life.

"Then I also value your friend a lot. You wouldn't even refuse to send you a gift from your friend?" Xu Guangrong said calmly after turning around.

It was a bit too much for Fang Lan to refuse any more. She nodded, "That's OK, you can send it to me."

Although this layer of window paper hadn't been broken, it still existed. Fang Lan didn't speak as generously as before. Fortunately, a phone call came in, which resolved the embarrassment of silence.

She picked it up, and the other party said that it was a nurse in the hospital, "When you came to the hospital to pay the bill last night, the phone in the child's hand fell out of the charge room. Can you come and get it?"

"Huh, really?" Fang Lan quickly looked at Youyou, there was indeed no phone and watch.

"We also adjusted the monitoring."

Fang Lan knew that she was still a little careless, but she was really busy at that time last night, and the child was heavy. After falling asleep, she was holding it hard and looking forward, she was indeed a little blundered.

"Then I'll come and get it." Fang Lan hung up the phone and said, "Senior Xu, you can just take me to the hospital. Yesterday Youyou's dad fell ill, and Youyou phone and watch fell over there."

"it is good."

Xu Glory sent Fang Lan to him and watched the backs of their mother and son in. He lost a lot in his heart.

But I also know that some things may not be able to be forced.

Forced, he is happy, can she be happy?

Fang Lan went to get things, but the nurse who kept the things went out.

Another nurse told her: "There was an emergency just now. She was called to help. It will take a while to come. Do you want to wait for a while or come back another day?"

Fang Lan said: "Then I will wait a moment."

I'll have to run again when I come back another day, and who knows if the nurse has other urgent matters at that time.

Youyou was tired from playing, and fell asleep in her arms.

Children at this age are really crazy when they play, and they have endless energy. When they are free, they can really sleep.

Fang Lan could only sit down and wait.

Seeing the message from Bai Jingru, she replied.

Thinking of myself waiting here, it was all because of Zhuang Shihao, and couldn't help but complain about him. I blamed him for allowing myself to do this.

But when she changed her mind and thought of Xu Guangrong, she knew that in her heart, she didn't intend to accept other men.

She almost confessed Xu Guangrong, and told Bai Jingru what she had blocked him.

The other party quickly replied: [Then what do you think in your heart? ]

Fang Lan: [I didn't think about anything, just knowing that I can't like him, it's unfair to him. So avoid meeting him and eating together next time. ]

Respondent: [Xu Xuechang is quite infatuated. ]

Fang Lan: [Maybe. I was a little upset anyway, I found out it was too late, otherwise the matter could be resolved sooner. For nothing, people put so much effort into it. ]

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