Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2888: Natural tone

Other: [There are other people in your heart. ]

It is a very determined tone.

Fang Lan: [Don't talk nonsense. ]

No more words for convenience.

Fang Lan took a deep breath, holding Youyou, the nurse has not yet come.

"Fang Lan?" Mother Zhuang came over and asked with a smile, "Are you coming to see Shihao?"

"No, no, don't say that." Fang Lan denied Sanlian.

Mother Zhuang smiled embarrassedly: "I'll pay the money. The doctor said that Shihao is already much better, and I will hang water for another day today, and I will be able to go home tomorrow. Youyou fell asleep?"

"Yeah, his phone watch is here. I will bring him over to get it. But the nurse hasn't come because of something." Fang Lan said hurriedly, denying that he came to the hospital because of Zhuang Shihao.

Mother Zhuang did not dare to have such extravagant hopes. Seeing that she was holding it hard, she said, "I hold your arms for a while. Your hands will be sore after you hold it for a long time? Go drink some water, go to the bathroom, and take the child away. Back to you."

Fang Lan is indeed tired, Youyou's weight is really heavy, and she has been out for so long, and she really needs to see Xisha occasionally.

She handed Youyou to Mother Zhuang and said: "Then I will trouble you."

She picked up some mineral water in the hospital, drank it, and went to the bathroom.

When she returned, she lowered her head to think about her heart, and at a glance she saw Zhuang Shihao sitting there in the corridor that she must pass.

Fang Lan wanted to get around him, but she was not familiar with the situation in the hospital. The end of her retreat was the bathroom. There was a dead end and there was no way out.

It seems that I can only pass in front of Zhuang Shihao.

The man didn't know what was going on, he didn't stay in the ward, he was sitting in the corridor, and there was a big living person. I hope that when she passes by, he will not be misunderstood that she is here to visit him.

Fang Lan glanced at him a little, and saw that he was looking at the phone, lowered his head, his handsome face showed only an angular chin, he didn't know what he saw, his face showed a rippling smile like a spring breeze.

He was typing with one hand, and he seemed to be chatting with someone.

I don't know who I'm talking with so hot, smiling like a worm.

Fang Lan took a deep breath and walked forward without squinting, with very light steps, so that he would never disturb the man who was having a sister.

Zhuang Shihao smiled so much because he saw Fang Lan's rejection of Xu Yaorong's confession.

The whole ward couldn't contain the joy that was nowhere in his heart, so he went to the corridor to breathe.

Of course Fang Lan didn't know this, and moved forward quickly.

He was about to walk past Zhuang Shihao, and he could reach the hall soon, but Fang Lan was stopped just two steps past him.

As soon as Zhuang Shihao raised his eyes, he saw her figure standing in front of him, his tone still filled with joy just now, and it fell in his mellow voice: "Fang Lan?"

Fang Lan bit her lip. She thought she had gone very lightly. Didn't he have a good chat? How did you see her?

"Your water is almost finished, can you call a nurse for me?" Zhuang Shihao felt extremely relaxed.

"Why? Why do I want to help you?" Fang Lan didn't fight, where did his natural tone come from?

Does she consider herself his mother?

Zhuang Shihao: "The blood has returned."

Fang Lan found out that there were already red blood stains in his infusion tube.

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