Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2915: How good is it?

"Today's Moments, sent to you to see it alone."

She only knew that he had been fooled. He was testing whether he was watching his circle of friends.

She didn't watch it before, but recently she went to see it occasionally.

Fang Lan didn't want to admit her emotions, she pushed Zhuang Shihao away, turned and ran out.

Zhuang Shihao laughed lowly, looking at her away back.

After Fang Lan got in the car, she drove out very slowly, something agitated in her heart, as if she was about to rush out of the ground.

She was a little bit lost, and she would stumble in the same pit again.

Why? Why?

She couldn't find the answer.

The wind in the morning was not too hot, and the feeling on her face was not bad. She couldn't figure it out and didn't dare to think about it.

However, all things still hovered in my mind.

She remembered the things recorded on her old mobile phone. How she fell in love back then was exactly the same as now.

People always avoid making the same mistakes, but they always make mistakes in the same place.

When Fang Lan returned home, she thought that her condition was very wrong, it was super wrong.

In order to suppress this inexplicable enthusiasm and pour cold water on herself, she clicked on Chu Zhuohang's dialogue window.

She didn't read the information Chu Zhuohang gave her last time.

Chu Zhuohang also said that he hadn't watched it and didn't know what it was.

With that said, Chu Zhuohang also had no confidence in Zhuang Shihao. He was afraid that after watching him, he could not help but beat Zhuang Shihao to death, right?

Then the content inside must be the content that can cool one's mood.

Fang Lan closed his eyes, cruelly, and uncompressed the excessive things that Chu Zhuohang had sent.

She just wanted to see how decent a man who kept the red flag at home and fluttered outside his home every day was so good.

Soon, the content inside was revealed.

Fang Lan was still hanging in his mood at the beginning, and was very nervous. After watching for a while, he found out that this...

Zhuang Shihao has no small three small four small five?

He said that when he worked overtime, was he really working overtime?

Secretary Big Bear beside him has nothing to do with him!


What about Peng Xiuxiu? Fang Lan remembered what happened to Peng Xiuxiu and she had seen it on Weibo, and it was still a big deal.

It is the younger sister of his good friend. He agreed to take care of Peng Xiuxiu only after accepting the last wish of his good friend.

Peng Xiuxiu herself also complained in private, Zhuang Shihao refused to touch her?

Chu Zhuohang even found the contents of Peng Xiuxiu's private WeChat. Peng Xiuxiu complained to a girlfriend that Zhuang Shihao was either homosexual or incompetent. He was not disturbed by her many times.

The photos taken by Peng Xiuxiu at home were also secretly made by her.

Fang Lan was stunned. This man did so many things to let her retreat in the marriage?

Didn't she retreat now in distress? Why is he following here again?

Fang Lan called Chu Zhuohang.

"Brother Zhuo Hang, did you read the Zhuang Shihao you gave me?"

"I didn't read it. I'm afraid I can't help but kill him."

Fang Lan: "..."

"you look at it?"

"I... I've watched a bit." Fang Lan had actually read it quickly, and all kinds of evidence showed that Zhuang Shihao did not actually go off track.

However, the things he did before, indifference and alienation, and domestic violence that were more serious than derailment, were also exposed in this information.

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