Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2916: I really want to do it

Chu Zhuohang said: "If you want to do it, call me. You are not his opponent."

Fang Lan: "..."

She really wanted to do it.

However, it has already been done once, and I am afraid that there will be no chance to do it again in a short period of time.

After hanging up the phone, Fang Lan felt uneasy.

Muffled uncomfortable.

It's more uncomfortable than before.

She clicked on the things Bai Jingru had sent to herself about Zhuang Shihao.

Bai Jingru’s evidence is based on another aspect, but it can also be confirmed that Zhuang Shihao did not have any other women before. He had a brain disease and had to disguise himself as a playboy.

This time, the evidence was investigated from the side, but it happened to confirm each other with the evidence given by Chu Zhuohang.

Fang Lan was in a bad mood.

What are these things!

She posted a circle of friends with only four words-retreat in the face of difficulties.

She retreated when she knew it was difficult.

Zhuang Shihao liked it and commented: [I will go to the company tomorrow. ]

It's none of my business? Fang Lan put down the phone and didn't want to pay attention to anything about him anymore.


Zhuang Shihao went to the company the next day.

He did have a lot of work handed over this summer. He has already returned, so he definitely can't stop taking care of the company's affairs.

He wore a mask and did not cover the injury on his forehead.

The suspicious marks on the neck were not completely covered.

With the corners of his eyes, the employees who met him on the road went to Assistant Zhang to gossip: "Has Zhuang Zong and Fang Zong get back together?"

"Assistant Zhang, get a bottom line."

"Don't gossip, go to work." Assistant Zhang shouted.

Another employee said: "It's not necessarily Mr. Fang. There are too many options for men. There are many young and beautiful women."

Zhuang Shihao came from not far away.

Someone was already giving the employee a wink. She hadn't noticed it yet, and said, "It was originally. Before, Mr. Zhuang was always squeezing flowers and weeds everywhere. Some women outside would be able to tease. Which man can hold it will defend it for the same woman. Right?"

"President Zhuang!"

"President Zhuang!"

Someone shouted.

The female employee was so frightened that she stood up straight, and said to herself that it was bad.

It's nothing more than talking about the immediate boss's immediate boss, and he was caught on the spot!

She lowered her head tremblingly.

Zhuang Shihao glanced at everyone: "Where did you learn the rules, do not know the facts and just arbitrarily argue about people's right and wrong?"

Everyone was so frightened that they didn't dare to say anything, and even forgot to say I'm sorry.

After Zhuang Shihao finished speaking, he turned and left.

An employee of this level, the person below it will handle it, and he does not need to handle it personally.

When he arrived at the office, he couldn't help but feel the urge in his heart, so Zhuang Shihao called Fang Lan.

You used to call her only if you had something to do, but now you can call her if there is nothing to do.

Maybe you need to make an inch of it, and that's what it says.

The phone rang for a long time, but Fang Lan didn't answer it.

He called again, but still no one answered.

He pinched his eyebrows, Zhuang Shihao was about to fight again, and Assistant Zhang had already carried a lot of documents.

It seems that his task today is not light.

Zhuang Shihao had to put down his work.


Fang Lan went to Yaoshi Media.

Originally, I had a cooperation with Yaoshi Media, and I also brought a gift to Su Mi, so I made a special trip.

Sister Cao saw her coming and enthusiastically invited her to Su Mi's office.

[There will be 30 chapter updates and drop tomorrow, please pay attention to check it~! I wish you all a happy New Year's Day in advance! In 2020, everyone is healthy and successful in school and career! Let’s make a fortune together~~~~~~~~~ The misunderstanding of Zhuang and Lan Lan will almost be resolved tomorrow, and the new year will be new.]

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