Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2925: There is a ghost in my heart

Zhuang Shihao continued to post.

Fang Lan continued to collect, and again received four 52,000 dollars.

Fang Lan: [Shihao Group's profitability is good. Why didn't you give me more salary before I was so rich? ]

Zhuang Shihao: [I'm busy. let's have dinner tonight. ]

Fang Lan vomited blood again. This is just taking money to smash her to speak. When she speaks, he will escape again?

Fang Lan didn't bother to pay attention to him, and went to the bank to insure Youyou.

After waiting, I found out that I forgot to bring Youyou's ID. She remembered Youyou's ID. After she came back, she gave it to Zhuang Shihao because of the registration.

She sent a WeChat to ask him.

I thought it would take a while for him to return, but he responded in seconds: [The credentials are in my bag, I will let the assistant do Youyou's affairs. ]

Fang Lan thought for a while, but decided to get it by herself.

Regarding the child, there is no need to lay hands on others, not to mention that she is not out of time. After talking to Zhuang Shihao, she walked directly to the company, which happened to be not far away.


Shihao Group.

When Qiao Wanyi and her agent came over, they were received by the propaganda department.

After talking about the work, the agent and the head of the announcement department had other things to talk about, but Qiao Wanyi looked at the top floor.

She knew too well that the man sitting on the top floor was her ultimate goal.

It's just that now she can't just go over casually.

Moreover, for a small endorsement, Zhuang Shihao would not be so honorable to face her as a spokesperson.

She stroked Kodan on her finger, and whispered something to the agent.

After that, she got up, walked towards the top of the stairs, and went directly to the top floor.

When Zhuang Shihao was in the office, he heard Fang Lan say he was coming, but he didn't stop him. A smile came up on the corner of his lips. He said to Assistant Zhang: "The meeting will be postponed for 15...no, 30 minutes."

Assistant Zhang wrote it in the notebook.

Zhuang Shihao got up and looked downstairs. Knowing that Fang Lan was not visible in this place, he still looked for a while, and then walked outside the office casually.

Assistant Zhang followed in his footsteps.

Go to the elevator door.

There was a call from the elevator door, and a woman with gorgeous clothes and exquisite makeup came out. Zhuang Shihao didn't see Fang Lan for the first time. She pouted a little disappointedly and didn't even react. Someone should come over.

When Qiao Wanyi saw Zhuang Shihao, her eyes stayed fixedly on his face, then tears filled her eyes, and she cried out, "Shihao..."

Originally, Zhuang Shihao didn't care who the person who came up was. At the moment, he curled his eyebrows and looked at the woman.

The woman in front of him was a little familiar. After a while, Zhuang Shihao seemed to think of something, and whispered: "Zhang Wanyi?"

He was not so sure, because she had changed a lot compared with her impressions, and she couldn't tell where she was, but everything was different.

Having not seen each other for several years, Zhuang Shihao suddenly couldn't recognize her, and in his memory, this face had long been blurred, and he never even appeared again.

"Shihao, it's me." Qiao Wanyi said in a low voice, she just changed her surname after entering the entertainment circle, a more foreign surname.

She didn't dare to come to Zhuang Shihao, after all, she took away the two checks from Zhuang's mother and Fang Lan, and did a lot of things that Zhuang Shihao could not know, she had a ghost in her heart.

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