Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2926: It's a match made in heaven

But when she knew that Zhuang Shihao and Fang Lan had been divorced, hope had long been raised in her heart. She knew that this day would be there. How could the relationship between Zhuang Shihao and Fang Lan last?

She is the only woman Zhuang Shihao loves.

"I'm back." Qiao Wanyi smiled softly. She was confident that that smile could turn ice into spring water.

Zhuang Shihao did not think that she would come back. At this moment, his heart was calm and there was no wave of waves. Facing her crying and laughing, he didn't even move his mind.

Those in the past have long been fascinated and faded away. I don't know when, he has even forgotten her existence.

He just saw it suddenly, he really didn't expect it.

Qiao Wanyi also saw his look, too calm and cold, a trace of panic flashed in her heart, no, it was clear that he and Fang Lan were already married, and according to her investigation, there was no woman around Zhuang Shihao at all.

But why does he look so much towards himself?

"Shihao!" Qiao Wanyi rushed into his arms desperately.

Zhuang Shihao raised his eyebrows, separated her with his arm, and fixed Qiao Wanyi in a ridiculous position awkwardly.

At this moment, the elevator door opened again, and Fang Lan appeared in front of everyone with a smile on his face.

When she saw the scene in front of her, the smile on Fang Lan's face stagnated for a moment, and then it became natural again. She suddenly thought of the woman in front of her. Hasn't she seen this woman in Su Mi's office before? It seems to be called Qiao Wanyi?

At this moment, she finally remembered why she felt uncomfortable seeing this woman. Where is Qiao Wanyi, isn't it Zhang Wanyi?

She changed her surname, her makeup and appearance were also changed, and she looked more charming, so at first, Fang Lan did not connect her with Zhang Wanyi at all.

Now I know that she is back.

And as soon as he came back, he was with Zhuang Shihao.

Seeing Zhuang Shihao's appearance, it seemed quite enjoyable. Everyone greeted him at the elevator door.

"Mr. Fang is here?" Qiao Wanyi stepped back, and after standing still, she smiled softly at Fang Lan, a little embarrassed.

She looked like she was caught upright.

A sense of shyness that was broken by a regular wife.

Assistant Zhang suddenly felt that this was really a large-scale Shura field, everyone's smile was so different, and he had a feeling of suffocation.

But at this moment, it happened that he had nothing to do with him. It was neither going to be here nor staying.

Zhuang Shihao frowned. He hadn't expected Zhang Wanyi to come, so naturally he had never thought of such a scene, let alone Fang Lan would break it.

Moreover, he had already seen the look on Zhang Wanyi's face a long time ago. It's so wonderful. It's hard to say that she did something wrong, but you know how many things she has deliberately made people think.

Fang Lan smiled slightly: "I'm coming to Mr. Zhuang to get my son's things."

Qiao Wanyi smiled and said: "Then I won't bother, Shihao, I will talk to the people in the Propaganda Department for a while. I'm really sorry, I didn't expect to meet you here today."

Fang Lan heard it out, Shihao Group has a cooperative relationship with Qiao Wanyi, it's really a match made in heaven.

Qiao Wanyi said that she was leaving, but she didn't leave immediately. She stood aside, as if waiting for someone.

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