Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2964: Your ex-husband

All of her cheongsam is embroidered with butterflies, which are embroidered with the most traditional craftsmanship of the Dragon Empire. The butterflies surround the flower branches, as if they are about to fly out.

Fang Lan stood there, and there were already many young American women who came forward to ask her where she bought her clothes and how they could buy them.

Most Americans are upright, if you can conquer them, they will sincerely treat you as a friend, and they will also be willing to let you into this circle.

Fang Lan’s English has been practiced since she was a child and she has lived in various countries, and she knows their country’s culture very well. She stands with them and communicates without any obstacles.

The assistant originally planned to help Fang Lan to maintain a good relationship tonight, but when she arrived at the scene, she realized that she could manage herself well. Fang Lan's own charm has already conquered the audience!

The award ceremony officially began.

As a highly professional magazine, "National Geographic" magazine includes many professional photographers and awards various awards.

Fang Lan won an outstanding work of the year. Together with the other two photographers, he won the award. The award is not very heavyweight, but it is also very rare.

She delivered her acceptance speech in fluent English and received a round of applause and goodwill.

At the end of the ceremony, there will be a cocktail party outside the venue.

But Fang Lan didn't plan to participate anymore. She and her assistant have been busy these few days and they have been very hard.

What's more, she could see that the editor-in-chief of one of the magazines, named Stephen, had a special affection for her. Since entering the venue tonight, she has been by her side almost all the time.

When the awards were just presented, Stephen stepped down and gave her a hug.

Fang Lan reached out and shook her instead.

Although knowing that the other party's excessive enthusiasm is a cultural difference, Fang Lan still feels that when there are signs of this, he should stop as soon as possible, and don't give people unnecessary thoughts.

Fang Lan came out with the assistant, and the assistant said, "Then I'll pick up the car, Sister Lan."

In the United States, they rented a car, and the assistants did not drink at night, so they could drive back to the hotel directly.

"Butterfly! You haven't left yet!" Stephen walked over enthusiastically, his expression and movements were very exaggerated, "I will send the beautiful Miss Butterfly home!"

Fang Lan smiled and declined: "My assistant has already gone to get the car, Mr. Stephen. Besides, I think the United States does not allow drunk driving, right?"

"Of course, but I can ask my secretary to send us off!" Stephen embraced Fang Lan enthusiastically.

Fang Lan stayed away from him calmly: "I don't think my husband likes others to send me off."

Fang Lan had already said this to Stephen before.

However, the man was very persistent, and smiled: "Haha, is your ex-husband?"

He even inquired about Fang Lan's emotional status.

"Beautiful Miss Butterfly, don't refuse my kindness, okay? Believe me, I can love you more than your ex-husband, and I will never let you be my ex-wife." He looked at Fang Lan fiercely, very fascinated, this paragraph In time, he had read all of Fang Lan's works, was shocked by her, and also attracted by her. The mysterious oriental beauty of her made him linger in his dreams!

Fang Lan regrets a bit at this moment. In fact, having a married status is not that bad, and sometimes it can be a protective color.

In the face of over-enthusiastic foreigners, there is at least one reason to refuse.

[To all my best readers, Happy New Year's Day, new year, lean, rich, healthy and happy, talk about sweet love. 】

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