Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2965: I can protect her by myself

She can only say: "Mr. Stephen, my ex and I are about to remarry."

"Then you haven't remarried yet? I also have the right to pursue you!" Stephen said, "I don't think Eastern men can give you the best protection. Beautiful ladies like you need strong, gentlemen, and tall men to protect you." ."

He said very narcissistically, indeed, compared to Orientals, Europeans and Americans are indeed slightly taller and stronger, but this is not the reason for Fang Lan to choose them.

"I think I can protect my wife." When Fang Lan was at a loss, a good-sounding and steady male mic sounded.

Fang Lan and Stephen both looked into the darkness.

A tall figure walked against the light from the darkness, and the closer it got closer, the more the neon of the night city was plated with a layer of shining light on his body.

Fang Lan was startled slightly, and then the worry on his face turned into a smile.

Zhuang Shihao strode towards her, stretched out his hand to embrace her waist, and hugged her into his arms.

He embraced Fang Lan and walked towards Stephen. When Stephen, who was originally tall, stood in front of Zhuang Shihao, his head was short.

"Mr. Stephen, thank you for your kindness to my wife, but I think I can protect her by myself." Zhuang Shihao raised his eyebrows slightly, his aura was enough to crush the editor-in-chief.

Stephen was originally full of confidence, and he was enough to crush all Eastern men. Now he knows that Eastern men are not all as weak as he thought. The man in front of him is enough for his height alone.

Not to mention his powerful aura.

Moreover, the man's fluent English is not inferior at all.

Stephen finally understood the gap between himself and the other party, but his enthusiasm came quickly, and now he shrinks quickly: "Forget it, the beautiful lady needs the most powerful knight to protect, I am willing to quit."

He spread his hands, shrugged, and turned away.

Fang Lan finally breathed a sigh of relief, and subconsciously hugged Zhuang Shihao's waist tightly. If he hadn't come, she really didn't know what to do with the other party.

"When did you come?" She raised her head and asked in surprise.

"In the morning. I originally wanted to accompany you to accept the award... But I didn't expect that the flight was delayed due to strong convective winds." Zhuang Shihao said apologetically, "I'm sorry."

Fang Lan hugged him tightly: "Don't be sorry, you can come, you're fine, it's the best. No wonder I see an empty place next to me."

"I was absent." Zhuang Shihao originally planned to come one day in advance, but there was a school event in Youyou. After weighing it, he decided to come today, who knows that he was free.

But Fang Lan was already very satisfied: "But you still came, we both celebrated, you were not absent."

"Yes, Mrs. Zhuang." Zhuang Shihao embraced her, "Are there many people like just now?"

"Huh? You say people who pursue me? Quite a lot."

After Fang Lan finished speaking, he felt his back stiffen, obviously tense.

She laughed: "Mr. Zhuang is here to catch the rape, or to celebrate for me?"

Zhuang Shihao held up her head and bit her lip violently. Fang Lan suffered from pain: "Your dog has changed?"

"You are not allowed to say such things next time."

"Don't say it, don't say it." Fang Lan said lowly.

Zhuang Shihao kissed her again, this time very tender, cherishing her as a treasure, tender as water.

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