Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3016: Lingering fears

Su Mi understood that these people are the legendary **** rice.

This type of fan is the most terrifying among all fans, because they are extreme and have no concept of privacy at all. They want to control everything about the artist.

They treat the artist's affairs as their own, and of course they also treat the artist as their own.

The contact information, address, and family of the artist are all commonplace for them.

It is also common to interfere with the work of the artist and to betray the artist's schedule.

There was a piece of news earlier that an extremely crazy **** pryed open the door of a certain first-line niche’s apartment and stayed at the niche’s house. He almost had an accident when he returned home.

Su Mi didn't expect that she would meet it today, and she was still sitting in the Chu family's car.

Su Mi was protecting Xiao Chen. Xiao Chen was too young and was frightened, but he still held Su Mi tightly. It was not like Su Mi was protecting him, but he was working hard to protect Su Mi. honey.

Su Mi yelled: "Don't make any noise, you can sign and take photos, but can you calm down first, can you stop!"

It's a pity that none of these people would listen to her. They opened the door and knocked on the window as usual, and the driver was too panic, and came down to drive these people away.

Instead of converging, these people stepped forward to pull Su Mi, and the scene was very chaotic for a while!

Su Mi could only use all her strength to protect Xiao Chen, and she could take the opportunity to run into the children without giving them the opportunity.

The driver shouted: "I have already called the police! If you don't leave..."

These people still refused to listen, and even shouted aggrievedly: "Why do you call the police to arrest us? We support Su Mi and help her with all kinds of things every day. What's wrong with meeting? Su Mi, as long as you are willing, I can cook for you and wash your clothes. You can do anything to me, but you can't call the police to catch me."

"That's it, what did we do wrong? We have been waiting here for a long time, and finally we are waiting for you."

"Before, we also helped you pick up your luggage at the airport, waited for you at the airport, and helped you get your boarding pass, just to make you relax. Which time did you dissatisfied?"

These people's hands clung indiscriminately.

Their three views are also disintegrating.

Su Mi lost her baggage at the airport several times and was unable to get her boarding pass several times. She didn't know what happened before, but now she knows it. These crazy illegitimate meals.

These things actually delayed Su Mi's business. The boarding pass they had processed for Su Mi couldn't be used, and she didn't know where the luggage was thrown, but they were so right and confident.

After a while, the sound of the police car sounded.

These people not only didn't break up in a rush, but they became more reasonable.

However, Su Mi was finally rescued.

The Chu family's bodyguard also rushed over at this time and took Su Mi and Xiaochen into another car.

Xiao Chen was so scared that his small face turned pale. He is usually very smart, and many things are not surprising, but today's scenes really shocked him.

Su Mi really felt distressed and kept comforting him softly, telling him that it was all right.

Fortunately, Xiao Chen finally came over, holding Su Mi's neck, looking outside with lingering fear, and continued to protect Su Mi.

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