Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3017: Was it instructed by someone

Su Mi felt that even when she was most scared, Xiao Chen was trying hard to protect her.

This made her feel even more uncomfortable and distressed. Xiao Chen is too good-hearted. At this time, I still don't forget to guard him.

Su Mi is really a headache for these illegitimate meals. Speaking of which, her itinerary has been kept secret and done well. Although she will meet some very enthusiastic fans, she has never encountered someone who can be blocked Crazy **** meal.

What's more, today this is a private itinerary, and almost no outsider knows where she is going or what is going on.

When Chu Zhuohang arrived, Su Mi and Xiao Chen had returned to normal, and the previous panic had disappeared invisible.

He strode over, and after getting into the car, he directly circled Su Mi and Xiaochen into his arms.

"It's nothing more." Su Mi said softly.

Chu Zhuohang saw a layer of gauze wrapped around her wrist at a glance.

"what is this?"

"I just accidentally bumped it. It has already been dealt with. There is no major problem." Su Mi frowned when he saw him, and said softly, "Don't scare my son."

Chu Zhuohang took a careful look at Su Mi's injury. Fortunately, there was no major problem, but he could see the bleeding and cut through the trauma.

He reassures Xiao Chen a few more words in a low voice before getting out of the car again.

Seeing his gloomy expression, everyone hurriedly bowed their heads.

Xiao Zhan ran over and said in a low voice, "Master, I've been checking it. All those illegitimate meals have been taken for questioning."

"You must ask clearly, no detail is allowed to pass."

"I know." Xiao Zhan thought to himself, those illegitimate meals are really unlucky, who made them so bold and crazy to do such a thing.

He knew that Chu Zhuohang wanted to know if they were instructed behind their backs.

Chu Zhuohang got on the car again, and Su Mi said: "I asked Xiao Chen, he still wants to go play."

"Okay." Chu Zhuo took an aerial shot of his little face, "That's still going to play. Don't worry, the bad guys were all taken away by the police uncle."

"Yeah." Xiao Chen nodded lightly, finally letting go of the little hand that was holding Su Mi nervously.

Nothing happened after that day. In the rural farmland in the suburbs, Xiaochen, who had never been in contact with these, had a very happy time.

In the evening, news also came. Those illegitimate meals were indeed ordinary illegitimate meals, and they were not instructed by anyone.

Especially, Chu Zhuohang also focused on Xiao Zhan to check Huang Ying.

Facts have proved that Huang Ying did not participate.

These crazy illegitimate meals are really a headache.

They used to look around for Su Mi's address and where she would go every day. They knew every detail thoroughly, so this time they knew where Su Mi was going.

These behaviors make people unable to relax for a while.

"Arrange a few more bodyguards for Su Mi." Chu Zhuohang took out his cell phone and dialed the call, "Seal these people's mouths so as not to reveal any news. As for these people, they will be monitored for half a year without any violation of the rules. ."

If these people do anything else in the next six months, it won't be easy to expose this time.

Chu Zhuohang watched several other news related to illegitimate meals, and couldn't help feeling a headache. It turned out that illegitimate meals broke into the artist's home and almost caused a bigger accident.

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