Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3018: Bear with it

Fortunately, Chu Family Manor is not something ordinary people can break into.

Because of this incident, Doctor Fang and Su Mu were also very worried, and even said they wanted to see Su Mi and Xiao Chen.

Su Mi smiled and said, "It's nothing serious. I will bring Chen Bao to see you tomorrow."

Su's mother was reluctant, and she still didn't forget to say: "Mimi, you should pay attention to it. Now you are so popular, if there are some bad guys in these **** meals, it won't be as simple as this time."

"I see, mom."

After Su Mi put away the phone, she saw Xiao Chen playing happily, knowing that the day was finally in vain.

Going home at night, Chu Zhuohang changed her dressing and uncovered the daytime gauze, only to find that her wound was still quite deep.

His eyebrows frowned, and when he looked at it during the day, it was not so deep.

When I want to come home, hug Xiaochen, it will get worse.

He suddenly had the urge to beat up his son's little ass. That stinky boy, who was old enough to run and jump, still liked to stick Su Mi, and would not let it go every time Su Mi held it.

"Hold it up," Chu Zhuohang whispered.

When the medicine touched the wound, Su Mi couldn't help but shrank, and she couldn't help but stick out her tongue.

Chu Zhuohang swiftly pressed her arm with his eyes, and quickly treated her wound: "Don't get used to that little guy next time."

"You also said that they are little guys, so how come I don't want to hold such an older child." Su Mi laughed in a low voice.

"You didn't see it at first, you held it for so long." Chu Zhuohang said helplessly.

Su Mi pursed her lips and smiled, her son, of course, can only hurt, what else can I do.

Chu Zhuohang rubbed her hair, and his wife could only hurt herself. What else?


The next day, Chu Zhuohang accompanied Su Mi and Xiao Chen to Su Mu's side.

Su's mother greeted her with a distressed look.

"Mom, I said nothing is going on." Su Mi comforted.

"Where can it be nothing. I heard that dozens of people are surrounding your car. How terrible it is, how can it be nothing?"

Su Mi laughed: "Just a few people, how come there are dozens of them?"

"No matter what, you have to pay attention to your own safety. People nowadays are really crazy. You have to pay more attention yourself."

"Yeah," Su Mi nodded.

Every time she went out before, such as when she went to the hospital, she brought her bodyguards, and she tried to hide herself as much as possible.

This time it was really a little careless, this will cause problems.

It should be preserved in the future, it should be fine.

After the whole family ate dinner, Su Mi became a little sleepy, and she couldn't open her eyes for some reason.

"I'll take a nap first." Su Mi said with a wink.

Mother Su looked at her carefully, then thought about it, and asked, "Mimi, have you often been sleepy these days?"

"Yes, maybe it's because I didn't rest some time ago." Su Mi said nonchalantly.

"Then do you have any other discomforts?"

"Other? It seems to be okay."

"You think about it." Su Mu asked invitingly.

Su Mi thought for a while: "It's just that my stomach feels a little uncomfortable, a little retching, but there are no serious symptoms. It should be fine for a rest."

Su's mother was a little bit hesitant to speak, as if she didn't want to say it, but she still said, "Are you pregnant?"

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