Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3020: Then I will be the brother

Ximai is pregnant.

Su Mi was stunned for a while before she realized.

Because this child was not what she and Chu Zhuohang expected, her expression did not turn back for a while.

But Su Mu was very happy, "That's really great. Mi Mi is pregnant! I knew it shouldn't be too spicy for you at noon. Oh, I should cook some light food for you."

And Chu Zhuohang's movements were even more cautious, and he whispered: "Mimi, you are pregnant."

In his tone, there are more surprises, because of this unexpected child, his eyebrows are shining brightly.

Su Mi was not particularly looking forward to it, but she was softened, and she was a little bit more joyful. Yes, she was pregnant.

Because when she was pregnant for the first time, the whole process was very bad and very difficult, so she still dare not look back.

But God treated her kindly, because of those hardships, he gave her a good baby like Xiao Chen.

So this time, it must be something that I will never regret, right?

When she raised her eyes to look at Chu Zhuohang, the smile on the corner of her lips couldn't hide.

"Then am I going to have a younger brother and younger sister?" Xiao Chen asked happily.

"Yes, I have a younger brother or younger sister." Chu Zhuohang touched his head, the tail of his voice was a little flying.

Xiao Chen also followed with flying: "Then I will be the brother!"

Doctor Fang smiled and said, "Well, it's safer to go to the hospital. Modern medicine is much more accurate than those of the older generation who rely on experience. Go ahead."

Chu Zhuohang didn't neglect, stretched out his hand to hug Su Mi.

Su Mi hurriedly pushed his hand away, in front of her parents, she was embarrassed to be like this, and even if she was pregnant, she was still not able to walk.

Mother Su quickly took the bag and said, "I will go with you."

Because of the illegitimate meal, today Chu Zhuohang has very many bodyguards around him, all scattered downstairs.

Because of Su Mi's pregnancy again, his fingers trembled slightly, the corners of his lips couldn't hide the smile, but he was thinking in his heart, afraid that he would add a few more bodyguards.

Because Su's mother came with him, she took Xiao Chen and Doctor Fang to ride in another car.

After getting in the car, Su Mi looked at Chu Zhuohang still smiling, and couldn't help but complain in a low voice: "I'm still laughing, I don't know whose fault it is."

"My fault." Chu Zhuohang responded in one gulp.

It was indeed his fault, he was the one who couldn't stop in his head, and he was the one who had to try that way.

It was his fault that he forgot to remind Su Mi to take medicine afterwards.

The man had a frank expression on his face, and Su Mi was not good at blaming him anymore, just saying: "But my new album is halfway through. I plan to catch up with next year's schedule."

"No job is more important than you and your child." Chu Zhuohang reached out and hugged her, "It's my fault, it won't be like this in the future."

Su Mi didn't really blame him either, he actually did a good job normally, and it was not his intention to be pregnant with a child.

Sometimes it's not a man's fault to be self-willed once in a while.

It's just that she really has no bottom in her heart, and she doesn't know how many conflicts between this pregnancy and work are.

She values ​​her career very much, especially this is her favorite thing to do.

This market, I don't know if it will wait for her for so long.

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