Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3021: The result came out

Su Mi was actually a bit lost.

The main reason is that the children came too unexpectedly, and the preparation of the new album is at a critical juncture.

But when she turned her head and saw Chu Zhuohang's expression, her heart was slightly touched in the softest corner. Thinking of the little life in her stomach, those losses and regrets gradually faded.

What can be more important than your own baby?

Work will be disrupted temporarily, but it will not be permanently disrupted. She can also pick it up at the right time.

When he arrived at the hospital, Chu Zhuohang didn't say anything, but his movements and expression were slightly stiff, for fear that someone would accidentally injure Su Mi and the child in her stomach.

Seeing Su Mi wanted to laugh: "It's really not that serious, do I look so fragile?"

"Be prepared and not in danger," Chu Zhuohang said.

"Okay." Su Mi stretched out her hand to let him hold on.

Isn't this just pregnant? People who don't know thought she was the queen who was coming to patrol the world.

When he arrived at the laboratory, the doctor ordered Su Mi to check.

Su Mu and Doctor Fang followed with Xiao Chen.

Especially Su's mother, with a look of expectation and a look of worry, the heart that she couldn't finish the last time Su Mi was pregnant, and this time she couldn't relax.

As a mother, this is probably the most worrying thing.

Su Mi went in to check, everyone sat outside and waited.

Xiao Chen's eyes were bright, staring at the examination room for a moment.

Chu Zhuohang stretched out his hand and hugged him. Neither father and son said much, but both had the same expressions on their faces.

Su's mother was relieved, knowing that her worries were unnecessary. Now that Su Mi has Chu Zhuohang, what else does she need to worry about?

The inspection time actually does not need to be long, it is just a urinalysis and blood test for further confirmation, as well as some routine inspections.

But Chu Zhuohang still felt that time had passed for a long time.

He pursed his thin lips slightly, thinking that when she was pregnant and gave birth to Xiaochen, he was not by her side the whole time, and there was a hint of distress and guilt in his heart.

Just when he was in a trance, Su Mi walked out accompanied by doctors and nurses.

With a real smile on her face, she reached Chu Zhuohang's side and said in a low voice, "The result is out."

"What is it?" Chu Zhuohang's voice has always been tense.

"The doctor said that I was indeed pregnant. This is an examination report." Su Mi has completely accepted the baby in her belly at the moment, and the smile on her face is also exceptionally bright.

Xiao Chen also followed with a smile: "Then I really want to be a brother."

"Chen Bao must be the best and most handsome brother in the world." Su Mi looked at him with a smile.

Xiao Chen straightened his chest, inspired by these words, the bright light in the corridor reflected in his eyes, clear.

Chu Zhuohang stretched out his long fingers to take the inspection report, and looked at it one by one. The tension on his face gradually eased.

Afterwards, a smile appeared on his face, and then he found the doctor and began to inquire about various precautions.

The doctor has seen many family members like this, but he has never seen Chu Zhuohang. He not only needs to ask the details clearly, but also calls up the phone to start recording. The students who take notes in class are not as serious as him.

"Then what should I avoid?"

"Do I need to reduce my usual amount of exercise?"

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