Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3025: Don't let me take away the child

Then, she fell into an endless dream.

Chu Zhuohang put her down carefully, got up and called Gu Yunchen.

"She slept longer than usual today."

"As I said, the toxins are not removed, but it is usually nothing. At most, it is fatter and the face shape changes. But pregnancy is different. Pregnancy will directly increase the burden on her body and cause the subsequent long-term lethargy. Sleeping is right. Her body burden will be heavier."

Chu Zhuohang held the phone and was speechless for a long time.

Gu Yunchen said: "You have to prepare early, and you have to make a decision early. If this continues, both adults and children will be very dangerous."

"..." Chu Zhuohang was speechless.

After thinking about it for two days, Chu Zhuohang still decided to let Su Mi remove the child.

She has already had a small child, and she can still be pregnant with a child in the future. For now, there is no need to rush to have this child.

This is the best way.

Although it will make her suffer a little, the long-term pain is not as good as the short-term pain.

In the end, Chu Zhuohang prepared the hospital.

When Doctor Fang and Su Mu heard the news, their hearts were heavy.

But Su's mother also figured it out, and in turn comforted Chu Zhuohang and said, "Since it has an impact on Mi Mi's body, it is better to be like this. You are still young, and you want children, and you have opportunities in the future. If you make up your mind, go early. Surgery, the harm is less. Mimi, I'll go talk to her."

"No, I'm going to tell her." Chu Zhuohang's voice was a little tight.

Doctor Fang held Su Mu: "Let Zhuo Hang speak for yourself."

Su's mother sighed softly, and it was indeed anxious that something good became like this, but when there was no choice, this was already the best way.

When Chu Zhuohang went to the room, Su Mi was sitting on the balcony looking out the window.

The winter sun is very warm, falling on the balcony, it looks very brilliant, but after passing through the glass window, it shines into the room, it is deserted and dark yellow.

Chu Zhuohang paused before walking towards Su Mi.

Su Mi just turned her head to look at him. In the warm winter sun, her brows were delicate and even more brilliant.

Chu Zhuohang walked over.

He didn't know how to speak for a while.

From the surprise and distress of knowing that she was pregnant, to the heartache like this, what he feared was not that he could not accept it, but Su Mi.

He sat down.

Su Mi looked at him and smiled.

In such a smile, Chu Zhuohang couldn't speak for a while.

Then, without waiting for him to speak, Su Mi spoke first: "Don't let me remove the child."

"..." Chu Zhuohang raised his eyes and looked at her in shock.

"I heard it all. Although I slept a little longer, I heard it all." Su Mi's smile did not change. "Originally, I agreed to remove the child. However, when I dreamed at night, I always dreamed of crying. The kid called me to tell me not to give up on him. It was the same way when I was pregnant with Xiaochen before. I can’t bear it."

The ends of her eyes were a little wet, and she was telling the truth.

It is good for everyone to take away a child who has not been many months old.

She also knew that protecting herself was the best plan for Chu Zhuohang and Xiao Chen.

But there is no way, she still can't bear to give up a child who can already move the baby.

Can't forget the cry in the dream.

Chu Zhuohang had thought about a lot of things to convince her, but after hearing what she said, he couldn't say it for a while.

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