Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3026: No change

He could only whisper: "Mimi..."

If it weren't for him to be too willful in those two nights, there would be no such thing. They can wait for Su Mi's work to ease, and then consider the matter of having an extra child.

Or, as long as one hour is enough, Su Mi does not need to bear the pain of childbirth.

But when the child comes, everything is not that simple.

"Promise me well, no matter what, don't let the child go." Su Mi tugged at his sleeve, begging in a low voice, in a sad tone, just trying to protect her child.

Maybe this is selfish, but this is more of a mother's instinct.

Chu Zhuohang didn't speak for a long time, but what Gu Yunchen thought of was what Gu Yunchen said, the more the child is in the later stage, the greater the pressure on Su Mi, and she doesn't know if her body can bear it.

He cannot take this risk.

But his most beloved woman, at this moment, hooked his sleeves and pleaded little by little, and he couldn't refuse.

"Zhuo Hang, will you promise me?"

Chu Zhuohang looked down at Su Mi for a long time before saying, "Okay."

Once agreed, he can't change it.


Doctor Fang and Su Mu were shocked.

Regarding Su Mi's decision, it was also regarding Chu Zhuohang's decision.

"It has been said that this has a great impact on Mi Mi's body." Su's mother is not relieved, "When can the child not want it, why must this one?"

Su Mi was already asleep, and the only person facing Su's mother was Chu Zhuohang.

Su's mother is usually polite to him, but now she is a little anxious: "If Mi Mi is gone, what good is it for you to come to this child? Have you thought about it?"

Chu Zhuohang whispered: "I promised Mi Mi."

"I'm going to tell her!" Su's mother wanted to go upstairs anxiously.

"She said, don't listen to other people's advice. She will also protect herself."

Although, the latter sentence is a trifling matter, how can she protect herself? The doctor has the confidence to say this kind of thing. She said it herself and it didn't work.

But Chu Zhuohang agreed, that is, he agreed, and it is impossible for him to go against her will.

Su's mother was very discouraged and heartbroken, standing with red eyes for a long time.

Doctor Fang took her away and comforted: "Forget it, forget it, where can we change the things that Zhuo Hang has decided? That's it."

Mother Su cried: "But it is related to Mi Mi's body. If she really has a long and two shortcomings, what can I do? I'm just such a daughter..."

She cried even harder as she spoke.

Doctor Fang could only draw a tissue and hand it to her.

Gu Yunchen came several times in a row, and every time she came, Su Mi was asleep.

But as long as anyone touched her hand, she would immediately protect her lower abdomen conditionedly, seemingly afraid that someone would harm her child.

Knowing Chu Zhuohang's decision, Gu Yunchen could only smile bitterly: "Is it so decided?"

"That's the only way." Since Chu Zhuohang has agreed, it is impossible to break his promise.

"Then think about it, she will be very hard like this, and the body pressure is also great..."

"What's the worst result?" Chu Zhuohang asked, pursing his lips.

"It's hard to say, I don't dare to say it casually." Knowing that Chu Zhuohang was in a bad mood, Gu Yunchen did not dare to joke casually.

Chu Zhuohang looked at him: "Then please, do your best to protect Su Mi's body."

"I will definitely try my best." Gu Yunchen nodded.

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