Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3027: Must have had a plastic surgery

Sister Cao came to visit twice, and Su Mi had to discuss with Chu Zhuohang about work.

Xiao Ke followed Sister Cao and came to the huge manor, his whole body shuddering a little.

She followed Sister Cao and went to visit Su Mi.

Su Mi was asleep, and she didn't do anything special, but she could see that she was running out of time when she was usually awake.

Seeing Chu Zhuohang's face, Sister Cao didn't dare to ask or say much.

It was Xiao Ke, biting his lip, and suddenly said: "Chu, I'm sorry, Sister Cao, I'm sorry, Su Mi, I'm sorry."

"What's wrong with you boy?" Sister Cao asked.

"Sorry, the last time the illegitimate meal happened, I accidentally revealed the news that Su Mi was going to the suburbs. It was accidentally heard and passed to the ear of the illegitimate meal. Su Mi was intercepted on the way. I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Xiao Ke was very embarrassed and cried with his head down.

Chu Zhuohang said coldly: "There is nothing to do with you now."

Xiao can be because Su Mi's current situation is more or less inseparable from the last **** incident. She wanted to apologize to Su Mi several times, but Su Mi basically couldn't get in touch.

Until now, she finally mustered the courage to speak out.

Seeing Chu Zhuohang's appearance, Sister Cao was unwilling to tell her more, so she said, "Okay, President Chu said that it's okay, don't cry in Su Mi's place."

Xiao Ke quickly put away his tears and glanced at Su Mi guiltily.

Su Mi's matter is not easy to announce to the public, and it is really complicated to say.

Other female artists can show up even if they are pregnant.

Su Mi has no time to show her face at all now. If she announces that it is caused by pregnancy, it will be controversial and hypocritical.

Sister Cao can only announce that Su Mi is now preparing a new album.

However, Su Mi’s previous albums will be released basically in half a year to a year, and there are still other normal activities.

This time, it was too long.

On the fan's side, it was noisy for a long time.

The black fans and the opponents are of course happy to see such a situation, and they become a black fan of Su Mi on the Internet.

"Let’s guess, Su Mi must have had a plastic surgery! Look at her, did she lower the average appearance of the female artists in the entertainment industry? It’s also good to go for a correction. But you have to keep your eyes open and find someone Good doctor, don't have any problems on the operating table hahahaha."

"It's 80%. We can bet if we don't believe it, or wait until her new album is released and then watch it."

"Oh, even Su Mi can't avoid being vulgar. It's simply not leaving a way for the unsightly people. I think Su Mi kept saying that no matter what you look like, it doesn't matter what you live like, but she didn't think of her. It was the first to go for plastic surgery."

"Which of these artists is not like this, talking about one thing, and doing another thing, besides, now that she has made so much money, she definitely wants to be a little more beautiful. It's just that she was so blind that she supported her before. Fans."

Of course Su Mi's fans would also refute, but even Su Mi hasn't shown up, her refutation will become weak.

And fans will have their own things to do, and there will be newcomers in the entire market to grab the attention of these fans.

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