Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 304: It's just his tool

He Ning slapped him with a restless hand.

Shen Jingyu: "..."

He Ning opened his eyes when the sun was dazzling, coming in with dots of light coming in from outside the curtains.

When the familiar furnishings were imprinted in her eyes, she breathed a sigh of relief and sat up.

There was a faint pain in the head and the feeling of a hangover. It was really uncomfortable.

Although she actually had two small drinks.

How can I be here?

She remembered that she was with Ye Shu.

I vaguely remembered that a man with a gloomy face brought her back from the outside.

Shen Jingyu?

He Ning suddenly became sober.

She glanced around and found that Shen Jingyu was sitting on the opposite sofa, dealing with official duties.

It's not that he doesn't want to sit beside He Ning.

She was drunk and snarled like a cat, spreading her teeth and claws, scratching and biting, and hurt his face.

Being caught by Shen Jingyu, He Ning was a little uncomfortable, got up and hurried to the bathroom to cover up the fact that he was a little bit crazy last night.

"Wake up?" Shen Jingyu said.

He Ning found that there were scratches on his face and red and swollen black spots on his neck... Is that a hickey?

Is it your own masterpiece?

"Drink this." Shen Jingyu stood up and handed the bowl over.

It's a bowl of white porridge, which makes a clear soup and lacks water.

Specifically for her to hangover and cushion her belly.

He Ning took it and lowered her eyebrows to drink something pleasingly.

She has always been obedient, and she rarely vents her emotions with her teeth and claws like she did last night.

Although she was a little drunk, she couldn't remember some things.

But vaguely remembered that he caught him...

Shen Jingyu, don't know if you are angry?

She looked at him secretly.

He looked calm, and there was no emotion between his eyebrows and eyes, just the scratch, which was really a bit deep... It seemed that he made his hand a little heavy?

She also scratched so casually last night.

Yu Xinyan's words made her feel uncomfortable, so she took the opportunity of Ye Shu's invitation to drink a little too.

I didn't intend to scratch him, but after all, he left a trace.

The line of his jaw is very beautiful and clean, and this scar makes him unexpectedly look like war-damaged beauty.

"Come here to wash, and come down for breakfast." Shen Jingyu said.

He sighed in his heart, but didn't want to frighten her, so he didn't vent it early in the morning.

The accounts of last night were enough for him to keep in a single account book, and calculate them one by one.

The premise is-when she is full and has enough energy to cope, then count.

"Oh." He Ning washed out, went downstairs, and sat down in front of him.

Breakfast was placed in front of Shen Jingyu.

There was only a bowl of porridge in front of He Ning.

It's just that this bowl of porridge is a little thicker than the one she just drank.

He Ning picked up the spoon...

Suddenly there was something beside her cheek, that was Shen Jingyu's head. His hair touched her skin, and it was a little itchy.

Shen Jingyu kissed her on her lips, then deepened, and kissed deeply once before it was considered to be stopped.

Then he bowed his head and gulped.

He Ning's eyes suddenly felt sour.

Sure enough, he was just a tool to restore his sense of taste. Besides this, it seemed that there was no other use?

Although they have recognized the facts a long time ago, the two people will not be together for long.

However, He Ning's mood at the moment was still a little uncomfortable.

He Ning fiddled with the spoon.

Gu Yunchen walked in, pulled the chair away and sat down in a familiar manner.

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