Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 305: Everyone spread out

Taking this opportunity, He Ning stood up and said, "I'm going to work, see you doctor Gu."

Before Shen Jingyu had a chance to keep her, He Ning had already left the scene quickly.

Shen Jingyu felt lost.

He has a lot of accounts to be counted with this little woman, she ran without a trace?

Gu Yunchen said: "I'm back. It's better to be here. In Jingyuan City, the elders of the He family are about to drive me crazy, and they all come to ask about He Yiming. I have to keep it for him, otherwise the elders will be crazy. ."

As soon as He Ning left, Shen Jingyu's breakfast was tasteless and put down his chopsticks.

"What's wrong with your face?" Gu Yunchen realized there were scars on his face.

"The grape rack in the backyard fell down." Shen Jingyu stood up and went straight upstairs.

Gu Yunchen thought about it. Aren't all his backyards replaced with pink and white, where are the grape racks?

"Another crazy one." Gu Yunchen shook his head and said.

He Ning arrived at the company.

Ye Shu ran towards her and said, "He Ning, were you okay last night? Sorry, you are not in good health. I shouldn't have let you drink with me..."

"It's okay, I want to drink it myself. Besides, I didn't drink much." He Ning smiled.

"That, I want to find He Yiming." Ye Shu said.


Ye Shu solemnly said: "Hanging like this is not a solution. I have to find him. He is dead or alive, injured or sick. There should always be a saying."

"Is he wrong or I am wrong, everyone spread out!"

"It's my responsibility, I just take it!"

"I can't wait for it to be so undecided."

Ye Shu has always been a careless temperament, who wants to do whatever he wants.

Waiting like this is more uncomfortable than killing her.

"Then I will go with you." He Ning said decisively.

Ye Shu immediately took out his mobile phone: "I'll call him first."

Before fighting, Gong Yunxi led Liang Yan in and said, "Ye Shu, someone is looking for you."

Liang Yan didn't have a good temper with Ye Shu, and said gruffly: "Our general wants to see you. Now follow me."

Even though Ye Shu just clamored to take the initiative to say that he was going to see He Yiming, he explained all the truth clearly.

But He Yiming really took the initiative to look for her, Ye Shu still had some weakness in his legs.

"Let's go, let's go together." He Ning took her hand and followed Liang Yan.

"General He returned to Jingyuan City before, but now he is back, is it better?" He Ning asked.

After several questions about Liang Yan and He Yiming's condition, Liang Yan drooped his brows and ignored them.

He Ning stopped asking.

Liang Yan drove them to a villa.

It seems that when He Yiming doesn't go to the army, he lives here.

He Ning and Ye Shu walked in together.

Liang Yan stopped He Ning and said, "The general said, I only saw Ye Shu."

"What if he plots badly?" He Ning was always vigilant towards He Yiming, and the slightest fondness for his devotion to him before disappeared.

"Who is our general? How is it possible to do such a thing?" Liang Yan said.

He Ning had to watch Ye Shu enter first.

Since he is here, He Yiming may not dare to mess around.

Ye Shu went in, and He Ning was playing with her cell phone boredly.

Shen Jingyu called, and Henning paused before answering.

"Where are you?" Shen Jingyu's voice was a little cold.

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