Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3050: But can't be the finale

Su Mi made a soft boo and looked at her with a smile: "How do you recognize me?"

"I am your fan. I have seen many of your videos before your debut. I can sing a lot of your previous songs. Su Mi, you are really exactly the same as before, very beautiful!" Lingling shouted excitedly Road, tears filled his eyes.

"Thank you."

Lingling asked: "Where are you going, I'll take you there. I'm a TV station staff member."

"Okay, we went to see the chief planner." Su Mi said.

"Please here, please here." Lingling endured her stomach and wanted to ask Su Mi, knowing that Su Mi was on business now. As a fan of Su Mi, she tried her best to maintain her sense of reason and not to shame her idol.

In the conference room, everyone was discussing whether or not to invite Su Mi.

"Some people say that Su Mi has already appeared and is planning to come back. She is already in talks with Eggplant TV."

"But Su Mi is really overwhelmed!"

"Yeah, Su Mi has too few hot spots right now, and I don't know if she can maintain her singing skills. Anyway, I am skeptical about it.

"Everyone, besides Su Mi, who else can beat Huang Ying among similar artists?"

"Anyway, Su Mi, I see Xuan."

"Su Mi can ask, but it can't be the finale!" Fat Planning insisted, "She wants the finale, I will put my words here, the KPI of this party will definitely not pass!"

Many people agreed.

Lingling knocked on the door and went in.

The chief planner looked at her: "Hurry up, everyone has already started, just waiting for you."

"Chief planner, Su Mi is here."

Everyone was stunned, and didn't expect Su Mi to come over now.

However, everyone has a lot of concerns. How to use Su Mi as the finale?

The ratings teach you how to be a man!

The chief planner has some friendship with Sister Cao, knowing that Sister Cao had been cooperating with Eggplant TV because of her work. If she could really take this opportunity to let Sister Cao and Su Mi cooperate with Pumpkin TV, it would not be impossible.

Just the finale, it is indeed a bit reluctant.

Just thinking about it, Sister Cao walked in with a young girl.

The girl in front of her made everyone's eyes shine brightly, standing tenderly and tenderly in front of everyone, just like a spring flower, a sap could come out with a pinch.

The chief planner took a look and said with a smile: "Why Sister Cao has time to come to us?"

"Just want to introduce to everyone, this is Su Mi." Sister Cao said with a smile.

She didn't want something like Eggplant Satellite TV to happen again, so she just used Su Mi Town to set up the venue as soon as she came.

"Su Mi?"

"This is Su Mi? Am I blind or deaf?"

"Quickly squeeze and see if I am asleep and dreaming in the meeting room."

Everyone was operating in confusion, and they couldn't believe their eyes.

Sister Cao smiled and said: "Everyone is right, this is Su Mi. I think everyone knows that Su Mi had previously announced that she would get fat because of other people's hormone drugs. And this year, Su Mi is nothing but hormonal medicine. I went back thin."

Hearing this explanation, some people believed.

But most people don’t believe it, but if you don’t believe it or turn to it, Su Mi has become like this, as if she had completely changed her person. She didn’t show up for another whole year. It felt like she was going for cosmetic surgery. what!

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