Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3051: Su Mi Zhenxiang

So, just coming back to the stage with Su Mi like this is enough to attract people, right? !

At that time, even if everyone is watching the excitement, they will choose Pumpkin TV!

The same sentence appeared in everyone's mind: "The ratings, stable! KPI, stable! Annual bonus, stable!"

Fat plan: "..."

Fat plan: "Even if I die, even if I jump from here, I don't agree with Su Mi's finale."

Fat plan: "Su Mi is really fragrant!"

The chief planner also ran through his mind quickly, and immediately said: "Welcome Su Mi to our satellite TV. Su Mi hasn't decided which party will be in the party yet? If not, come to our side, the finale!"

Who can't see the business opportunities in Su Mi, who is a fool!

This before and after comparison is enough to detonate more than a dozen hot searches.

It would be best if she could still maintain her singing skills.

If not, there is no problem at all. When the time comes, who will pay attention to singing?

"Thank you. How about we sign the contract now?" Sister Cao said.

The chief planner immediately said, "Where's the contract? Here's the contract!"

Sister Cao glanced at Su Mi apologetically, this time she was going to sign the contract in this way.

But Su Mi didn't care. Anyway, she wanted to show her the way she was now. Now it was only shown to the TV crews in advance, so what's the problem?

With a smooth comeback, Huang Ying's provocation is completely overwhelming.

Pumpkin Satellite TV signed a mysterious guest to attend the party, and it was set as the finale, and it spread out like wings soon, and it became a topic that everyone talked about.

Suddenly, who the mysterious guest is, in different ways, five hot searches.

Of course, this is also the cleverness of Pumpkin Satellite TV. First, there is a wave of guessing and preheating, and then a wave of hype, and then Su Mi will be launched with great fanfare. The effect will be amazing.

It has to be said that Pumpkin Satellite TV is still better than Eggplant Satellite TV in these aspects. After all, it is the big resource of Su Mi. This time, all the planners have decided to do a big deal, even if it is bald. Do not hesitate.

People on Eggplant Satellite TV are also guessing who this mysterious guest is. It is worthy of Pumpkin Satellite TV's fanfare and warm-up for her.

The chief planner had not guessed that it was Su Mi, but as far as he knew, Su Mi's commercial value had now been visibly declining.

Newcomers of the year emerge in endlessly, especially during the summer vacation, there will always be a few hot dramas and many artists, and the influence of these artists is often difficult to maintain for a whole year.

Not to mention, Su Mi is a singer who hasn't appeared in a whole year.

Therefore, the general planner guessed that Pumpkin TV would not be so stupid, and would definitely not sign Su Mi.

However, according to his gossip feedback, Sister Cao did appear on Pumpkin TV. He guessed that Su Mi would be on Pumpkin TV, but she would definitely not be the finale.

On the Internet, everyone is particularly curious about this mysterious guest.

Especially the fans of this year's extremely explosive traffic, all in a mocking tone: "What kind of mysterious guest is such a big coffee, doubt."

"I'm afraid it's not an excessive amount of air flow, right?"

"Laughter like eating melons."

"Gluck, don't make a fool of yourself then. Pumpkin TV really loves hype."

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