Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3072: Follow along

That night, He Han rode on a hot search again.

Many people praised him for playing the role of emperor and general.

Sure enough, there were more invitations afterwards. Although they were all invitations from two men and three men, they were good enough.

After Su Mi came back that night, she received many endorsement invitations.

With his current appearance and figure, he conquered a crowd of people. Everyone has eyes. What is Su Mi's face and how it will develop in the future is something that is obvious to all.

Seeing the resources He Han currently has, Zheng Dong and others regretted leaving Sister Cao a little bit.

Especially Fang Xiuwen and Huang Xiaojiu, because they couldn't know who Su Mi's plastic surgeon was, they had ten thousand ideas in their hearts. They said they hated other people's plastic surgery, but when they saw that they looked good, they wished they could follow suit.


When Su Mi returned home, Aunt Wang smiled and said, "Young Master is still in the study."

Recently Su Mi has been working a lot, and Chu Zhuohang will deal with official affairs in the study, waiting for her to go home and rest together.

After she went upstairs, she went to see Xiao Chen and her brother first.

The two little guys slept very deeply. Su Mi came back late these days, and they fell asleep every time they came back.

Su Mi looked at it seriously for a while, then pressed a kiss on their foreheads, and then walked to the study.

Before going to the study, she specially heated a glass of milk.

Knocking on the door with the milk, Chu Zhuohang's voice sounded: "In."

Probably because it was too late, his voice was slightly hoarse.

Su Mi walked over and put the milk in front of him: "Master, it's time to drink milk."

Chu Zhuohang raised his eyes and saw that it was her, his brows stretched out completely, and he stretched out his hand to circle her: "I'm back."

"Well, I just went to see my two sons. They both slept like piggy."

"When you didn't come back, they were all naughty like puppies. Then the other one will run away and have a headache." Chu Zhuohang smiled.

Su Mi wrapped his neck around him: "It's hard work, husband."

"My brother is okay, Chen Bao misses you."

Su Mi thought for a while and said, "Then I must go home early tomorrow night. Chen Bao is okay. I'm afraid that if I don't come back in a few days, my brother won't know me at all."

Chu Zhuohang smiled and took her hand: "Don't you worry that I don't know you?"

Su Mi kissed his thin lips, and Chu Zhuohang turned to the guest, stood up directly, wrapped her arms around her waist, turned the kiss into a more lingering obsession, and pushed her to his desk.

On the table, the crashed paper fell all over the floor.

However, neither of them had heard of it, and Su Mi soon felt the cold touch of the desk.

The man seemed to feel it too, stretched out his big palm to cover her, between her shoulders and the cold desk top, he leaned over and kissed her.

The night was exceptionally thick and dark.

Outside the window, there are occasional stars flickering.

The wind blows the curtains and fills the room with coolness.

The air conditioner was blowing in warm air, and the creaking desk movement disturbed the tranquility of the night.


The next work will be more and more, but Su Mi will always go home early in the evening to accompany her two sons.

The younger brother does not take breast milk and is raised with milk powder. Chu Zhuohang and the nanny are basically doing the daily feeding work, which relieves Su Mi's a lot of burden.

But it also made her really guilty. Both of her sons had never had breastmilk since they were born, which made her a mother feel that she was really incompetent.

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