Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3073: Some fear

But fortunately, as the company increased, his younger brother began to become more intimate with Su Mi. Although he could not speak yet, as soon as Su Mi appeared, he would follow her with wide open eyes.

Where Su Mi went, his eyes followed.

Seeing that Xiao Chen wanted Su Mi to hold him, he also opened his hands, anxiously wanting his mother's embrace.

Often in the end, Su Mi picked up the two children one by one.


Su Mi's album was recorded very smoothly.

Liu Enchi adjusted some new arrangements for her, reintegrated the entire album, and only waited for it to be released when it went on sale.

And Huang Ying also wanted to release an album immediately, and didn't want to be beaten by Su Mi.

Wu Youshui is already helping her coordinate.

However, Wu Youshui was a little worried: "Our album preparation time is too short. We have to release it before Su Mi, for fear that we can't keep improving."

"I'm not afraid, what are you afraid of?" Huang Ying hooked his neck, "As long as the company gives enough money, are you afraid that you can't keep improving?"

The most important thing is that after Su Mi's previous production team was disbanded, Huang Ying had dug a core member of the team from Su Mi, and obtained a lot of Su Mi's manuscripts from him.

The success of the previous two albums by Huang Ying is due to the manuscripts composed by Su Mi.

Now that the manuscript hasn't been used up, Huang Ying has found someone to arrange and produce these manuscripts since she knew Su Mi's comeback. Isn't that a problem if she wants to release the album before Su Mi?

Wu Youshui smiled and said: "Yes, the company is willing to praise you. If you can make money, we will definitely be able to send it before Su Mi."

Huang Ying and Wu Youshui rolled directly on the bed.

Since Wu Youshui moved to Huang Ying’s side, the two have seen the right eye. Wu Youshui did not like to have any connection with the female artists he brought because of this kind of personal relationship between men and women, and work matters. It's not very convenient to do it.

But this time, Huang Ying and him looked right at each other. One struggled with Su Mi and the other with Sister Cao. The two easily got together.

The reason why Huang Ying can be favored in the company is because she also maintains this kind of relationship with a certain manager.

But the manager was always bothered, and there were too many women around him. Huang Ying didn't have any sincerity towards him, but just used the power in his hands.

So for Huang Ying, sleeping with Wu Youshui is not a big deal, it is nothing more than to solve personal needs, and as her agent, Wu Youshui is always by her side when she is safe, not to mention safety, and there is no need to be affected by outsiders. The influence of the scandal is really multiplying.


On Su Mi's side, with Liu Enchi's help, the progress was rapid.

And with Liu Enchi in the line, everything about production can be effectively guaranteed.

Liu Enchi has rich personal experience. He worked for Huang Ying for several years and was able to adjust the state of each song to the best.

This makes Huang Ying actually a little afraid.

She regretted that she broke up with Liu Enchi, and Liu Enchi's talent is obvious.

But now, she has blacked Liu Enchi to the bottom, and it is impossible to resume cooperation. Huang Ying can only find someone else.

Her producers did choose a lot of people, but there are not many that can match Liu Enchi.

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