Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3143: Love from the show

"So what do fans think about it? Love or not is really obvious at a glance. Between these two people, how do I feel that there is a sense of business affairs."

This embarrassing situation only got better as the plane stopped.

Chu Zhuohang and Su Mi put away their phones, smiled at each other, and smiled when facing the camera.

"Heartbreak, I really think they acted."

"If it's acting, President Chu and Su Mi's acting skills are also great, right?"

"But I really can't convince myself that what happened to them just now."

"Forget it, let's watch."

After Chu Zhuohang and Su Mi arrived at the destination, they saw the other four pairs of people participating together.

The first pair is an actress Song Sisi and her outsider husband Chen Ping. Song Sisi is so good at acting like a baby. When he greets him, he even speaks with a delicate taste. Chen Ping is not handsome, but a handsome guy. Both I have been married for a few years and I am very affectionate.

The second pair is Qin Zi and Lin Hao who have been in love for seven years.

The third pair is a pair of artists, Zhang Yiming and Tian Jia, who are in their forties. They are always very low-key. Zhang Yiming is a very straight man, dressed for a very old cadre, and when the director asked him to hold it. When there was something delicious in the thermos, he said, "Goji berries. Drink this thing and it's good. Come on, give everyone a share."

I couldn't help but divide it to one person, making everyone laugh crazy, and the atmosphere of the scene was mobilized.

The fourth pair of women is a host, known for her violent and hearty personality, named Li Xue. Her husband is a gentle and nice person, and she followed everyone behind her with a gentle smile.

Su Mi was fairly familiar with these people, and after a few conversations, she became one.

Then he said to everyone, "Chu Zhuohang has a serious habit of cleanliness, and usually doesn't shake hands with people, please forgive me."

This point, after these few hot searches on Chu Zhuohang, everyone knows it too.

Of course, Su Mi did not tell you the real reason.

However, such an explanation can save a lot of trouble.

And when everyone faced Chu Zhuohang, they were a little bit more restrained. Speaking of which, Chu Zhuohang's net worth was more than enough to buy this TV station, let alone this program group.

In addition, his company is involved in the business of many other artists' companies, which makes everyone respect him while maintaining a sense of distance.

On the barrage, everyone understands this feeling: "If I am facing such a big boss, I am quite imaginary."

"Similarly, for fear of making him unhappy if he does something wrong."

"Do you think Su Mi looks like a small assistant? Why do I think she is like a secretary when she explains the state of things?"

"It's a bit like, quite humble."

The place the program team came to was a small mountain village with pleasant scenery. Everyone was quickly settled down and lived in different farmhouses.

The living conditions are very simple, and there are still many problems. It is better to fetch water by yourself, and you need to make a fire for cooking.

But everyone was very excited about it. They all wanted to see how many jokes these artists who usually don't touch the Yang Chunshui would have to make a bite of food.

The director announced that the ingredients for the night were taken by himself.

"What do you mean by self-acquisition?" Song Sisi asked in a soft voice.

"That is, each family arranges one person to dig in the soil with a hoe. Another person runs. In the running competition, there are five places each time. The first place has the right to dig for five minutes, and the fifth place has the right to dig for one minute. Power, and so on. You decide for yourself, who will dig and who will run."

"How to dig it?" Song Sisi was completely confused.

"With a hoe, it's everywhere over there. You can dig whatever you want."

"Hoes...I have never touched a hoe." Qin Zi covered his face.

"Well, everyone quickly discuss it, otherwise it will be dark and there will be no chance of digging!" the director announced.

When everyone heard this rule, they quickly discussed it.

Su Mi also discussed with Chu Zhuohang, and she said: "You go for a run, I may not have an advantage in running."

"But digging is physical work." Chu Zhuohang disagreed.

"But you don't know how to dig, and you don't know what to dig or how to cook what you dig. Are you going to keep me starving?"

The rules of this program are abnormal. If you can't get enough food, the program team will not provide it.

There are no streets here, and there is no way to buy anything to eat. Even if it is available, everyone’s money has been robbed and there is no way to buy it.

So we still have to find a way to get more food.

"Isn't it a slow variety show?" Chu Zhuohang expressed doubts about the show.

"No matter what variety show, there must always be something to watch. The program crew is afraid that the guests themselves are not enough to watch, so they must come up with some tricks." Su Mi has participated in a reality show and is already familiar with these routines.

Chu Zhuohang was worried that Su Mi would not have enough to eat, and finally agreed to this proposal.

However, when everyone announced their choices, they discovered that only their group had chosen Chu Zhuohang for running and Su Mi digging for food.

The other four pairs are for girls to run, because after all, running is a lot easier, and digging is completely physical labor.

The barrage was very disappointed with Chu Zhuohang: "Chu Zhuohang is the tallest of these people, right? I even chose to let Su Mi dig something. I have seen it!"

"Oh, it really is a plastic couple. It's a shame that I have such a true feeling of chasing after him."

"Distressed Xiao Susu, humble to the extreme."

"Oh, so angry! How can this be done!"

"Don't worry, everyone. Didn't you say that Mr. Chu has a serious habit of cleanliness? Don't guess at random."

"Even if he has a habit of cleanliness, you can see that he is a very self-conscious person, and he doesn't want to share anything. He knew that he was picky and thin from the beginning. Although he has that kind of capital, I am just not worth it for Su Mi."

Fans: "We still have the foresight, we had expected this scene a long time ago."

Then, the running race started.

Because it was a game with four women, Chu Zhuohang won without any suspense, and he won five minutes of food digging for Su Mi.

Su Mi distinguished it a bit, and immediately knew what was planted in which field, and quickly accelerated. In the first five minutes, she dug out three very large sweet potatoes.

The others have only four minutes, three minutes, two minutes, and one minute each.

The one-minute one was run by Li Xue. She has a very carefree personality, but she can't run at all. She has a sense of sight when she runs five kilometers out of 100 meters, so her husband Han Yezi only has one minute to dig, even The soil did not loosen.

Next, Chu Zhuohang won twice again in a row, and Su Mi again won two five minutes.

The barrage was taunting Chu Zhuohang: "A man running with four women is not an honorable thing to win, right."

"You can see how he is always a veteran, just because of this little thing, you have to fight for victory or defeat."

"Oh, I feel sorry for Mi Mi again, how did I marry such a husband. In comparison, I would rather her marry a man who takes her as the main thing."

"Mi Mi usually works, and her hands must be sore."

Black powder: "Witness the true feelings of plastic couples again, hahahahaha."

During the fourth run, Chu Zhuohang looked at Su Mi for a while and asked, "Is it almost done?"

Su Mi gave him an ok gesture.

During the fourth and fifth runs, Chu Zhuohang ran the last place.

Then, others have won more time to dig things in the ground.

Everyone understands that Chu Zhuohang lost deliberately, because the Li Xue family hadn't dug anything yet, and the Qin Zi family, who had been running unhappy all the time, dug very little.

So Chu Zhuohang deliberately gave them time to dig things.

The black fans were beaten in the face.

"It turns out that Chu Zhuohang is such a gentleman. The first three times he tried hard to get to the first place, leaving enough time for Su Mi to dig things, and the last two times later, giving time to other families."

"It's really good, I blamed him just now."

"I just wanted to say, what happened to people ranking first in order to feed their family? Do they have to let others hungry from the beginning? Besides, with the length of Chu Zhuohang's legs, It’s really hard to run behind."

"I'm really in a high mood, I'm a fan."

"No matter how high Chu Zhuohang's EQ is, no matter how gentleman he is, there is no way to conceal that he has robbed the light activity. Give Su Mi the heavy work."

Everyone is still arguing, and everyone over there is already clearing the battle results.

Naturally, Su Mi dug the most things, digging a few sweet potatoes, a few potatoes, and a few taro.

Zhang Yiming, a veteran cadre who doesn't usually cook, digs for a long time, digs a few big konjac, and happily went to Tian Jia to offer treasures: "Daughter-in-law, we dug a lot of good things."

Tian Jia was about to collapse: "Konjac just can't be eaten like this. It needs to go through various treatments. It's a pity that I ran second every time."

Zhang Yiming also collapsed: "I just saw this one is quite big and good. I dug this one specifically."

"It's okay, we can exchange something for the villagers." Tian Jia comforted.

The audience is quite envious of their pair.

The worst was Han Yezi, who had counted down every time in the past. He had little time and no experience. As a result, he dug up a small handful of peanuts. The peanuts are edible, but what is enough for such a small amount of peanuts?

Li Xue laughed: "Enough to stuff my teeth. Husband, you are so kind, you know I want to lose weight!"

This pair is also very good.

Now it seems that Chu Zhuohang and Su Mi are the pair, feeling that they are not in place for a long time, and even the director is anxious for them.

The director asked the cameraman: "We saw the two of them before. It was good. Why was it so awkward when I was on the show?"

"I don't know whoa." The camera was also confused.

But Su Mi was very happy, holding a lot of trophies, and went to the village with Chu Zhuohang, and exchanged the extra ingredients for some other ingredients.

When it's time to cook, the difference comes out.

Su Mi came back with some flour, and the program group provided condiments and so on.

Using the ingredients she dug up, she actually made a wealth of food.

The sweet potato is steamed and divided into two portions, one portion is eaten directly, and the other portion is made into sweet potato cakes with flour. Both of these foods are liked by Xiaochen.

Potatoes are fried into French fries, which is Momo's favorite.

After the taro is steamed, it is made into taro **** with flour for dessert.

A table full, simple but mouth-watering.

The people in the barrage were gulping.

"Mi Mi is so virtuous, I really didn't expect her to look at the little fairy, but she would do so many things."

"I can know why the two kids have to compete with their dad. It's me and I also compete."

"That French fries, it seems to be no different from the fast-food restaurant, how is this done? Ask for a tutorial!"

"Su Mi is really humble enough. From the beginning to the present, she has been working hard to do all kinds of things, not only as a secretary and a small assistant, but also as a life sitter. It is really not easy to protect her rich husband. Up."

Soon, "Industrious Su Mi, online humble" became a hot search term. Clicking in and looking at it, Su Mi is really doing things by herself all the time, and Chu Zhuohang is very relaxed.

Especially when compared with other four-to-ones, the difference is too big.

"We all know that life is not easy for a wealthy family. It seems that it is really not easy than we thought. So I don't know what Su Mi is doing on this show?"

"Well, you have a career and you have to live a life like a nanny. I don't know what she thinks."

"If I had Su Mi's worth and two such good sons, I would have taken my son by myself a long time ago. What's the use of a handsome man? This kind of man looks like the kind of hand-off shopkeeper!

"But when two people live together, why can't one of them do the housework? Isn't it good for someone who is good at others?"

"Standing upstairs doesn't hurt your back. Look at the other four pairs. People are trying to make girls do simple and easy things, and men are picking up dirty work. Why should Su Mi be an exception?"

This matter simply became more and more quarrelsome. Later, even patriarchal and feminist matters were quarreled.

Just when they were arguing, Su Mi saw that there were too many things in the live broadcast room, so she proposed to send some to others to share.

Chu Zhuohang picked up things, took Su Mi's hand, and went out together.

There were no street lights at night in the country, and it was very dark. He took the flashlight and carefully took Su Mi with him, and delivered the things together.

Li Xue was so grateful that she said, "Woo, oh, actually, I would rather eat delicious food than to lose weight!"

She carefully gave the remaining peanuts to Su Mi.

Zhang Yiming and Tian Jia were okay. They replaced the noodles with fresh konjac, but the white water noodles were nothing good. Neither of them had a few bites. After receiving the food from Su Mi, Zhang Yiming studied for a long time and nodded: "Next time Su Mi digs. What do I dig."

Give Tian Jia a smile.

After the four delivery, the sky got darker.

The camera was given a telephoto lens, the sky was dark, with a few stars hanging, and the surroundings were very quiet, sometimes with the sound of crickets.

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